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The Banana Debate.

Hymer C 9.

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Sitting at the tea table tonight Ed informed me thats it I am not eating any more banana's - now after a banana every night for the past 40 years that is quite a statement.

Apparently the skins are to thick, there is no taste in them, they have no black bits up the middle in fact his evening banana is a huge disappointment so no more banana's.

Is he alone in this or have banana's been got at. Carol.

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Hymer C 9. - 2008-12-30 5:26 PM


Sitting at the tea table tonight Ed informed me thats it I am not eating any more banana's - now after a banana every night for the past 40 years that is quite a statement.

Apparently the skins are to thick, there is no taste in them, they have no black bits up the middle in fact his evening banana is a huge disappointment so no more banana's.

Is he alone in this or have banana's been got at. Carol.


Ed`s not a gorrilla is he?

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I put this on once before so apologies for repeating it in case someone missed it. My friend was a manager in a banana factory and he said you shouldn't eat the bottom half inch of a banana cos there are insects which inject into them and lay their eggs there. So if ever the last bit of the banana was a bit crunchy you know why.


Last week one of my friends from down South phoned to say she was eating a banana and a long red centipedey type thing was inside the banana skin in that stringy bit 8-) :-|


Rnjoy! >:-)

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ROON - 2009-01-05 12:15 PM

My friend was a manager in a banana factory



Did your friend ever explain how they made bananas Joy - as I've always wondered how they get the inside bit inside without a zip or velcro?

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maggyd - 2009-01-05 10:48 PM


J9withdogs - 2009-01-05 12:29 PM


Did you see that programme on 'Swarming' last night - now that made my skin crawl.


Oh wasnt it cringy :D for me I think the mice in Autralia were the worst 8-)


Have to agree simply , could not imagine how I would react confronted with so many mice real cringe making, I could not believe my eyes the man covered in bees amazing. Carol.

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