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I was informed today that Mel had died recently.

This forum and readers of MMM have lost a very wise sage.

To my knowledge he was a Management Consult and a Pilot as well as a devotee of motorhomes. He lived life to the full.

Our sincere thoughts go to his family.

With great respect




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I had a e-mail from him on 22 January in which he said, among other things, that he was unwell.  It must have been one of his last.  How very, very, sad. 

I, for one shall miss his knowledge and enthusiasm, but above all his readiness to share these in abundance, with clarity and wit.  This forum somehow seems a wholly inappropriate way to mark his passing, and I hope MMM will manage something more fitting - in rather less time that it usually takes to get news published.

Clive, are you able to convey our collective sympathy, and appreciation for his generous help, to his family?

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The MMM team are all deepely saddened by the news of Mel's passing.


Mel has was diagnosed with cancer some years ago for but fought it with great dignity and courage to the end.


One of achievemtns during was accompanying his brother walking the traditional pilgrimage through France to Santiago De Compestella.


I was last in contact with him in November last year when he was planning to leave for a walking tour in Japan even though he knew his illness was overtaking him.


His contribution to MMM was considerable and always thoroughly researched. His definitive article ' It ain't heavy its my Motorhome' that appeared on p205 of the August 2004 issue of MMM and the follow ups in the September and December issues was typical.


He also interceeded on behalf of number of readers who were being wrongly prosecuted for speeding offences by prosecution departments who did not understand the law as applied to motor caravans.



We shall certainly miss his dry wit at the shows.


I have already written to His wife Jan mentioning the posting here.



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Really sad news. Mel was so helpful to us when we were replating our van and I have kept all his emails to me on the subject. It was the articles mentioned George's post which sent us scurrying off to the weighbridge and I am so grateful to Mel for bringing this aspect of motorhoming to us newcomers. We sought him out at Lincoln show to thank him personally. He is a huge loss.
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Please add my condolences to those of everyone else.


As someone who is always looking for help and advice, his postings will be missed. Please let his wife know that she is in my thoughts and I am sending thoughts of strength to her in this sad time. I wish I could say or do something to ease her pain. Joy

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It is indeed very sad to learn of the passing of Mel.

Eventhough I did not meet him or know him personally - like others on this forum - I was very grateful for the information that he readily gave to anyone who asked a question.

I for one learnt a few things from Mel.

My condolences to his family on this very sad occasion.


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