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If the stickers are paper based the adhesive may come away by soaking with a warm water/detergent (washing up liquid) mix.

Any remaining adhesive can then be removed with detergent and warm water.


If resin coated paper or plastic try warming *carefully* with e.g. a hair dryer. The adhesive used often becomes soft making the sticker easier to lift off.

Cleaning up depends on the surface. If metal any organic solvent such as propanol (often found in computer screen wipes, babywipes etc.) or white spirit will do.

If plastic I would avoid alcohols and similar (e.g. ethanol = methylated spirits, propanols, propanone=acetone - nail varnish remover etc) and try a little white spirit - it is not as "strong" as the other solvents. Start with a small patch, or try the solvent on an area which would normally be out of sight first.


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Cpc do a label remover used on medical equipment, various types of plastic, painted metal end grp. Does the job perfectly with no hassle.I Carry some in the MH. Send a pm if your at the Peterborough show and you can use it foc,
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i have just (2 weeks ago)taken some silly looking stickers off my motorcycle that covered almost all of the petrol tank, i carefully used an electric heat gun on its lower setting, if you heat the sticker up too much it will make the sticker too soft and wont peel in one, be careful and you can get it to peel in one and will also leave next to no glue on the bodywork, YOU MUST BE CAREFUL!!! don't hold the gun in one location, constantly wave it over the sticker from about a 1ft (30cm) away . You could probably use a hair drier also. You will probably have to polish the paintwork.

take care

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