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Have I missed the thread on this or are we all largely unaware? Is this the biggest threat to civil liberties and freedom of movement yet devised by our 'leaders' in order to keep us safe?


How on earth does a motorhomer go 'on tour' for six months after this is introduced? :-(



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The answer is that you probably can't - or at least if you do you will come back to find that you have been struck off the NHS doctor's list. It seems it will take the fun out of "shall we turn left or right" !


I must admit I did see this idea mooted some time ago but had forgotten all about it. My feelings about the security of personal information mirror those that are printed below the article.


Why is it necessary to track those going out of the country? Surely we should be more interested in who is coming in (according to the reasons given for this plan)?


Why give the contract (another one!) to the Americans? What is wrong with our own technical expertise?


My final thought is that by the time they have analysed all this information any "no gooders" will be far away anyway.

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I suspect that they will have a field day applying the letter of the law to us - If they didn't; Tommy Terrorist would hire a motor home, park it up somewhere in deepest Europe and disappear for the next six months' doing goodness knows what...


I picked up on the NHS entitlement, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye - Let's hope our EU chums in the form of the ECJ tell the UK government where to get off - We are EU citizens (apparently) after all.

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So tell me again, what exactly are the advantages of being in the EU?


What happens if my van breaks down in just outside Calais, on the way home? Does our recovery driver have to wait 24 hours to get clearance?


Please Mr Obama, can we join your club, get cheap fuel?



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This wont stop any terorist getting in to britain but will curtail movement of british citizens just like (rusia and germany did to their citizens in days gone by), that to some may be an extreme view to take but check your history.

We all just might as well be microchipped like our pets then we can be regulally be scanned just to check we are where we should be.


I get the impression that he is trying to make it that much hassle we dont go abroad and spend money but stay here to spend it. Wonder what it will cost to impliment and maintain and how that will affect the prices we are charged as it says the info will be kept for 10 years? why that long. That is of course if they dont lose it first

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We don’t escape it down here in Cornwall, in fact it gets worse. I’m lucky enough to have two toys and if I return to UK in the floating one and should save a shipwrecked mariner on the way or be blown to a port other than the designated one. I shall immediately be keel-hauled.


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The article is from that comic the daily mail dated 2007. I googled e-borders and read the home office blurb to find pilot schemes have been running since 2004 and i haven't noticed much at ports or airports that didn't exist before. I don't think e-borders is new hope this helps *-)
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W3526602 - 2009-03-19 6:46 AM




So tell me again, what exactly are the advantages of being in the EU?


What happens if my van breaks down in just outside Calais, on the way home? Does our recovery driver have to wait 24 hours to get clearance?


Please Mr Obama, can we join your club, get cheap fuel?





It's no good joining his club.

They've already got the same kind of scheme.



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Guest Tracker

We had to fill in a similar but very basic form when entering and leaving Morocco as they asked for basically passport details, vehicle details and where we were going to and had come from.


We just named two camp sites - one in Spain and one in Morocco and if anybody ever checked - how could they even if they were interested - and found that we had not used either - well so what - plans change - is that a crime?


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dwaviation - 2009-03-18 9:54 PM


Have I missed the thread on this or are we all largely unaware? Is this the biggest threat to civil liberties and freedom of movement yet devised by our 'leaders' in order to keep us safe?


How on earth does a motorhomer go 'on tour' for six months after this is introduced? :-(






"Passengers forced to answer 53 questions !!!!"


If you look at the e-borders website, it says that the info will be collected from carriers, NOT passengers.


Depends who you believe I suppose - the Borders Agency, or the Daily Mail.







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hi, not in force by 2014 by that time this set of Nu Labour fools will be long gone and these silly plans with them, also if more people keep losing their jobs and more immigration into this country by people wishing for and getting free handouts and a life on benefits, we will see civil war before e-borders .


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They already do some of this at the ferry ports and airports. They stopped a friend of ours at St Malo going back to the UK last year. Our Son came with him but he went back on his own in his Transit van and they pulled him and asked where his passenger was that came in with him. He explained that his passenger (our Son) would be returning to the UK with his parents later in the month. By the way our Son is 35.


The scanning of Passpsorts already tells them when you leave and when you come back.

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Patricia - 2009-03-19 1:19 PM


It is not just the Daily Mail which is reporting it: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20090314/tuk-travel-plans-to-be-tracked-dba1618.html





No doubt it's being reported all over the media, they just don't all get as excited as the Daily Mail.


e.g. "Terror crackdown: Passengers forced to answer 53 questions"


says the Daily Mail.



"Travel plans to be tracked"


says Yahoo.



..and for those hoping that these plans will be dropped with a change of government -

Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis says " Could be a useful tool " (says D/Mail)


So it looks like whoever is running the country will continue to implement the scheme.




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Now, before you all panic - which is no doubt the response the dear old Daily Mail was after - go here and have a read.  http://tinyurl.com/dz2nao

Is seems a lot of the necessary data will have been generated electronically via the booking and ticketing systems when you buy your ticket, so all that will be required at the port etc, is to take the necessary from your machine readable passport/s as you pass through passport control, and again when you come back.

This seems to me the almost inevitable response to the row a while back, (hyped, or course, by the Mail) about no-one knowing how many people left, or entered the country, so that no-one could say for certain how many immigrants there were, or where from, or even with any certainty, by how much the UK population fluctuated due to immigration/emigration.

This is just counting them in, with sufficient detail to know who they are and where they are from, and counting them out, in similar detail.  Just what the Mail was after, in short - only now they are about to get it, they don't like it!  Well, methinks they should just have thought that out a bit better.  Hmmm.  Thinking?  Daily Mail?  Nah - forget it.  :-)

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When I was at school we read Animal Farm and 1984 as fiction, it's no wonder they have changed the education system since then.


As a chauffeur I travel the route between Heathrow Airport and Central London rather a lot. 18 miles, 34 speed cameras and 230 CCTV cameras.


I was intending to say "where will it all end?" but ,of course, it won't.


I've been running this business for twenty years, and the latest initiative is that I must obtain an NVQ, one of the modules is that I must demonstrate that I know how to clean a car. I don't know if they will accept " drive into Ashford Valeting, tell them in and out, and can they get rid of the nasty stain on the passenger seat."


I had to do it 5 times in one day during the recent bad weather, (not the stain bit).


We must all try to retain our sense of humour.



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Brian Kirby - 2009-03-19 11:23 AM

Now, before you all panic - which is no doubt the response the dear old Daily Mail was after - go here and have a read.  http://tinyurl.com/dz2nao

Is seems a lot of the necessary data will have been generated electronically via the booking and ticketing systems when you buy your ticket, :-)

From the UKBA page cited above:"A number of other countries already collect this type of information, including the United States, Canada,"This is a gross misrepresentation - I drive back & forth across the US border with some frequency & there is nothing like the type of info collected. I suppose when I fly that my payment info could be transmitted unbeknownst to me, but otherwise there is nothing like the Orwellian perspective of the e-borders inititiative evinced over here (so far). I think this cannot be done outside the UK - the "island nation" factor facilitates this type of approach. I for one, though, am unlikely to visit the UK in my RV in the future, nor would I route thru UK airports. Nothing to hide, just taking the path of least resistance; something I like to do when on holiday.
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