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Hi all...just purchased a dakota 05,has a shower unit with a red button on the base of the tap,was told how it worked but in practice not sure...water too hot,no instructions,any help PLEEEEEEZE. Phil.
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This is the sort of thing often not covered well (or at all) in motorhome handbooks. You should be able to obtain the information you need from Auto-Trail. See




but wouldn't the simplest solution be to ask whoever explained how the tap functioned to tell you again?


Motorhomes are complex beasts and a buyer can't be expected to remember every small detail. The chap who bought my last motorhome from the dealership I had sold it to contacted me subsequently and asked if I could run through how the heater worked if he brought the vehicle to my home. I knew full well that the dealer would have given him a lengthy 'hand-over' session, but it's one thing listening to someone telling you how to do something and quite another to remember what you were told when you are on your own.

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If you turn it to cold do you get any water flowing. If it is the type of tap I think it is, then if you press the red button it allows you to turn the tap to hotter position. As you are saying the water is too hot I suspect your cold pipe is clogged up, often happens with showers rarely used.

If cold feed is blocked turn pump off, unscrew head of shower and try blowing back down the pipe with the valve open at cold setting and also the basin tap open, then try again to get water flowing with pump on.

Let us know how you get on.

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