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motorway tolls


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Expensive. They can easily double the cost of travelling through France.


There are four different classes of vehicle.




Most of us are Class 2, but if you're over 3.5 tonnes you're Class 3 and if you have three or more axles you're Class 4.


To find the price go to http://www.autoroutes.fr/en/preparatives/vehicle-classification.html


In the vehicle details put in the nearest match. I've got a 3400kg, less than 3m high on two axles, so I would enter 'minibus' with '2 essieux' in the towing picklist.




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It all depends on which motorways you travel as their are different toll operators and the charge is not standard. A motorhome (coachbuilt or A class) is usually charged as a Class 2 vehicle slightly more expensive than a car.

There are plenty of web sites on Google that will give you the current charge for a certain stretch of motorway.

Don't forget there ar a lot of free motorway sections in France as well as excellent route nationals. In general if there is a route national road then the motorway which often runs parallel is a payage(toll). If no route national then the motorway section is normally free. There are also free sections of motorway sections around the major cities.

There is an excellent free motorway from Clermont Ferand right down to the Med with only a toll section over the Fantastic Millau viaduct.

If you plan careful you can travel quickly and quite inexpensively in France.

Enjoy your trip



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Welcome to the forum, we have just returned from France after a month touring around and found different regions varied in price but the one thing consistent is that they are now very expensive.



If you can plan your journey using as few as possible I would and when we were on them there was very little traffic on them because of the expense, which was the general opinion on the camp sites we were on. In general we had no hold ups using the other roads and it was much more interesting, bit if you have to and used motorways from North to South of France it would cost approx £100. Carol.

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Yes very expensive but they have relaxed a little on motorhomes in the last year or so. Look in search for tolls towing trailer in France. Some of the new motorways are a little over the top, but go to manned booth and insist you are a Classe 2. it works.

Try and plan your trip without using motorways and you will get to see France not boring motorways.




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You can go on the AA web site and they will show you toll prices for motorways and bridges in Europe. If you aren't lucky enough to have the time to drive slowly anywhere (ie got to be back for work) we found that crusing on the motorway with little speed diviation was more economical than N roads, so what you save one way you pay out on t'other!
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We settom-tom to avoid toll roads and did exactly the same route as last year when we used toll roads. Surprisingly the overall mileage was less ant arrival times at our different stages were about the same. Checking prices later we saved over 120 pounds. Also went on roads never travelled by us before so a nice change.
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Rapido-lass - 2009-07-17 11:22 AM


You can go on the AA web site and they will show you toll prices for motorways and bridges in Europe. If you aren't lucky enough to have the time to drive slowly anywhere (ie got to be back for work) we found that crusing on the motorway with little speed diviation was more economical than N roads, so what you save one way you pay out on t'other!


If I used toll roads I'm sure I would drive faster and therefore use more fuel, pay more for fuel on the toll roads and then pay for the toll roads.


I can do my Spanish border to Dunkerque trip in two days without using toll roads. My MH has consistent fuel consumption, roughly 10 litres per 100kms.


According to Tomtom (which set at 90kph is amazingly accurate), avoiding toll roads my trip through France at 90kph is 1067kms taking 14h 20m. Taking toll roads and driving at 90kph it's 1069kms and 12h 30m.


So I would only save one hour's driving per day, but it would cost me 112.80€ in toll charges!! And of course if I put my foot down the 100€ for fuel would rise too along with the higher prices on the autoroute, costing me at least twice as much to save two hours driving!!


I just don't get it!!



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derek500 - 2009-07-17 12:37 PM


Rapido-lass - 2009-07-17 11:22 AM


You can go on the AA web site and they will show you toll prices for motorways and bridges in Europe. If you aren't lucky enough to have the time to drive slowly anywhere (ie got to be back for work) we found that crusing on the motorway with little speed diviation was more economical than N roads, so what you save one way you pay out on t'other!


If I used toll roads I'm sure I would drive faster and therefore use more fuel, pay more for fuel on the toll roads and then pay for the toll roads.


I can do my Spanish border to Dunkerque trip in two days without using toll roads. My MH has consistent fuel consumption, roughly 10 litres per 100kms.


According to Tomtom (which set at 90kph is amazingly accurate), avoiding toll roads my trip through France at 90kph is 1067kms taking 14h 20m. Taking toll roads and driving at 90kph it's 1069kms and 12h 30m.


So I would only save one hour's driving per day, but it would cost me 112.80€ in toll charges!! And of course if I put my foot down the 100€ for fuel would rise too along with the higher prices on the autoroute, costing me at least twice as much to save two hours driving!!


I just don't get it!!



It's not necessarily how fast you drive, it's how you drive hence I used the term 'cruising'. Maintaining a similar speed and not having to slow down and speed up helps with fuel economy.


I'm not saying that this is the only way to travel, but it also helps if you are on a time based journey (which we are as we're not priveledged pensioners yet - time wise) we wont be tempted to stop en route to explore which of course blows all timings out. On the autoroute, we only need to stop to have a drink/something to eat/toilet and of course change drivers and get to our destination or stop.





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Rapido-lass - 2009-07-17 1:59 PM


It's not necessarily how fast you drive, it's how you drive hence I used the term 'cruising'. Maintaining a similar speed and not having to slow down and speed up helps with fuel economy.


I know what you're saying, but the majority of driving through France on N roads and even the lesser category roads that I use, I'm cruising.


Of course a lot of my journey (Abbeville-Rouen, Poitiers-Bordeaux, Bordeaux-Bayonne) is on free motorways.


But there's still no way that I could save enough fuel to compensate for the toll charges.


Even for time restricted people, unless you're belting along, the time savings will be minimal.

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Bear in mind that we tow a large caravan, I have driven the route Abbeville-Rouen, Poitiers-Bordeaux, Bordeaux-Bayonne cutting over the hills to Valencia in both directions and have to say that I would NOT do it again. It is VERY steep in places and narrow

For me it is simply too winding and hilly, we could seldom get any decent run at most of the steep inclines and so did quiet a lot of them down in second gear averaging 14.3 mpg for the trips each way

Via Paris and then down through the country we easilly average 24/25mpg and it is a much more relaxing drive for me and so much easier on our old Sedona.

I cannot for the life of me understand it when people say that it is "boreing" and you "don't see France" when you are driving on motorways because there is still beautiful scenery to be seen and in my opinion plenty of it to see.



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I say its boring on the motorways as you could be anywhere most of the time. Yes they are great if you want to get from a-b and I take your point esp' when towing.

But lets take another look at this we may have been rushing around most of our lives lets take it easy see a little more of the country we are visting.

There is no replay,

Happy safe and happy Hols to all.



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This isn't about rushing anywhere it is about enjoying ones holiday,

Traveling on the motorways I arrive at the end of my days driving a lot fresher than I would be useing non toll roads, also my vehicle has had a much easier time of it too.


Regarding your comment that you could be anywhere most of the time , I dont really agree with you because surely you know where you are going and what towns you will be passing by, but does that really matter, you are on holiday, you are not in any hurry and there are changes in the scenery all of the time so enjoy it. Unlike our motorways they are not choked with traffic so you easilly cover much higher milages in a day


I used to rush to my destination, wherever that was, but not now, I have seen the light, nice and easy does it every time.


Either way just enjoy your holiday

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Fair enough everyone to their own I find if you were dropped off in the middle of some of the motorways in Europe you could be just anywhere They all look pretty much the same.

I still love getting off them and taking it nice and easy on some of the Main and non main roads



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Syd - 2009-07-17 6:25 PM


Bear in mind that we tow a large caravan, I have driven the route Abbeville-Rouen, Poitiers-Bordeaux, Bordeaux-Bayonne cutting over the hills to Valencia in both directions and have to say that I would NOT do it again. It is VERY steep in places and narrow


Which route did you take to find steep narrow roads? I can't think of any.


Mind you I use the free A23 motorway from Sagunto to Zaragoza, which has only been fully completed in the last year.






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Hi derek500

Mainly from Biarritz to Valencia but I thought that most of the way from Tours to Biarritz was not very pleasant, one town had the main through road blocked off and we had to go round the side streets, now that really was taxing.


In my case everything that could go wrong, did. Weather very bad most of the time, traffic congestion quiet frequently, very narrow roads, Satnav decided to go walkabouts, couldnt for the life of me find the first overnight campsite eventually arriving there at about midnight, then later on those mountains to climb, had to do an emergency stop in Montbazon and actually bent the towbar and burst the tow hitch shock absorber, two burst tyres (not punctures) within twenty miles of each other.

Saved about 150 euro's going that way in tolls though but it cost me £216 for towbar and £69 for the shockabsorber plus £84 for tyres and £60 in campsite fees and took three full days driving 9am to 8pm, we arrived in Benidorm at 7.30pm


Last year via Paris we covered around 500 miles per day quiet easilly starting at about 8am driving until lunch stopping for and hour or so then driving until we were hungry and having say half an hour then on again until we wished to stop, say about 7pm or even 8pm, pull into a motorway services for the night and repeat but it is so much easier on me and on the vehicle.

Took us two and a half days arriving in Benidorm at 2.30pm so we were all set up by tea time.

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