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Rapido 7090 or similar - feedback wanted


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My husband and I have just looked at a secondhand (2008) Rapido7090 'Le Randonneur' on a Fiat Ducato 2.3. We like the motorhome very much, it ticks all our boxes but we wondered whether anyone out there can give us any feedback on this motorhome or a similar one. In particular I have read that some people have had trouble with juddering in reverse gear.

We are new to motorhoming and this will be our first van, obviously given our lack of experience we are keen to avoid any expensive mistakes.

Your help would be greatly appreciated - thanks :-D

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We have a Rapido 709F (The baby of the bunch) and are very pleased with it. Behind the cab it is well put together and bed is comfortable, (more so now with a mattress topper)


The heating, fridge ect are all brought in and used by most of the motorhome manufacturers, so cannot blame Rapido if bits fail !, However it does pay to check that they seem to be fitted correctly. Only downside is that there is no oven, which is quite nice to have something warming, to return to, after being out in a british winter.



Being "old Fiat" (pre the reversing problem) We have no problems on that front at all.


All in all, I would go for another Rapido Given that I had the money and was assured, I could revers up a hill.



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We purchased aRapido 9097, 2008 new at the beginning of the year. We did take the 3 litre option but I think that everything else is the same even though yours is a low profile van. Ours is a brilliant piece of kit and everything is really well screwed together and is as good as, if not better than the new Hymers. Our only complaint was the sharpened metal rods put into the seams in the covers of the cab seats which were crude and if they had spiked our 'bums' could have done quite a bit of damage. However we are in negotiations with Rapido about ths but it only took 10 mins to take them out and the ISRI seats became tame and comfortable. Not sure about the judder. Take it for a testdrive, find a steep incline and reverse up it giving it a bit of welly. If you get a juddering jumping motion take it back and either negotiate or leave it alone. As far as I know the recent vans have had this sorted but you don,t know how or when the van was actually made. As 85% of the recent Motorhomes are built on the Fiat/ducato base you are going to find the same question arising whatever you buy unless you get a Ford, Mercedes, Renault or Vw based vehicle which in turn will reduce your options anyway.


Cheers .......... Ned

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Guest peter

All Rapido's are well put together my last van was a 710f. As for the Fiat bit, just make sure that it has been registered as probably having a problem in the engine/gearbox dep't by the previous owner and get an assurance that the selling dealer will get any faults in this area fixed, if they will, get it in writing. I bought a 2007 Burstner from Camper U/K and did exactly that. True to their word I had the engine mounts changed by them last week. It's a great vehicle if it doesn't judder in reverse on grass and uphill. But does the overall Motorhome compensate for the very rare time you may reverse up a hill.

In my opinion it does, as I've just bought one. To be honest I've never reversed up a hill in my life. Not in a car and wouldn't even attempt it in a 7 Mtr Motorhome. Nor would a Caravanner or Articulated lorry driver.

But, you make up your own mind. :D

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Hi again,

Thank you all very much indeed for your invaluable advice, it does sound like it's worth pursueing. As suggested we'll reverse up an incline and see what happens. Also thinking about what Peter said, it is unlikely we'd ever be in a situation where we'd be reversing up a hill.

Thanks again

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Did a test on one last year and found the kitchen area way too small.

The U.K. / Irl pack does include an oven (small).

The lights tend to overheat the overhead locker doors when left open.

LED lights now used.

The slide out TV sometimes can get in the way.

Some of the shower floors cracked.

I think most faults have been rectified by now to make it a very nice motorhome.



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Hi we have a 997M and like everything about it, good quality build perfect layout for us, very comfy bed and has garage for bikes and scooter to get away that bit further without moving 'van and we ordered it without a cooker as the cook (not me) does it all on top.

We have had a camper since '75 Ford Travelhome and the cooker went back brand new used only as a bread bin and of course all the yummies you shouldn't eat.


:-) :-) :-)

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Thanks again for more useful advice - what an excellent way this is to get impartial opinions! Thanks-a-million everyone.


I've noted comments about the kitchen and when looking at the van I did think it was a bit on the tiny side but this one does have a small oven and I'm hoping (!!!) not to have to be doing too much cooking!


Like 'Onecal VW' my hubby is keen to change to LED lights, so hopefully that will get past the overheating lights prob.



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We have a 2007 - 7099F Rapido and are very very pleased with it and have done almost 30,000 miles. On the Habitational side it is well made with lots of storage for all shapes and sizes of things, and we do have an oven (UK spec), although it is only used if we are winter motorhoming, as most summer time is done outside or on the hob (- double skillet is marvellous). The bed is comfy although as I suffer with a bad back, we bought a memory foam topper which makes alot of difference. We have not had any problems in the shower tray and the OH is no slim jim! We went for the 3ltr engine option and have had absolutely no problems with engine/gearbox and do not have the judder in reverse. Valid point by previous posts to make sure that it is registered to fiat by previous owner should there be a fault.

Just to clarify we are extremely pleased with our 7099F and we would not hesitate to buy another Rapido on a Fiat base again.

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For anyone who's wondering what this van is like, here's a link showing the layout:




Hi Penny


We used to have a Rapido 709F and the quality generally was very good so I wouldn't have any concerns from that point of view. I think the others have covered the Fiat 'judder' issue so won't dwell on that.


Observations on the layout:


I saw one in the flesh about 10 days ago and they are very nice vans, however, it really depends on how you intend to use it as to whether or not it is your 'ideal' van.


The lounging space is fairly small and means you will need to use the cab seats both whilst travelling and on site as the dinette/side seat won't be that comfy for relaxing; feet up lounging is therefore not really feasible here. Where is the TV store? Is it too high to watch the goggle box - it was in our Rapido and we used to end up hanging it off the back of the dinette!


Moving rearwards, the kitchen looks nice but I would expect in use it could be very frustrating - unlike some layouts you don't have the table immediately to hand to use as additional workspace and there's no obvious place that you could fit a worktop extension/flap. The only 'usable' wortop is in the corner which isn't ideal. Also check that the 3 burner hob is large enough to easily cope with a couple of large pans/frying pans side by side as some can't which really would infuriate when you want to cook tea and end up jiggling large pans around!


Beyond you then have the shower to one side and the toilet to the other. Make sure you are able to use the shower - ie can you bend down and pick up the soap, wash your feet etc if you need to? Can you sit on the toilet without restriction, wash your face easily in the basin etc.


Bed and wardrobes - very nice and comfy I'm sure - make sure it is big enough for you when you sprawl and stretch out. One thing that did concern me, though, is that on the way into the boudoir, there are covers over the wheel-arches which are raised up off the floor ... I wonder how many times you'd end up kicking them or bashing you shins on them? You'd probably end up learning to avoid them but it could be a painful lesson!


General comments: This is a VERY long van (and I would guess is somewhere in the region of £46-48k) so be sure that you are happy to drive it, and manouvre it, ideally that means both of you - you never know when you will have to drive it instead of your husband, especially when parking. You could try to find out why the original owner has parted with it - see if you can get contact details, speaking to them could enlighten you. There are lots of other motorhomes out there, Rapidos included, which may be better layouts for you and shorter. Over half of the internal space of this particular van is given over to the shower/toilet and bedroom areas - is that the most important thing to you or is a good lounge more vital? Think about how you will use it.


As you haven't had a motorhome before, I think you really do need to do a lot of homework before signing up for one - have you looked at many vans of different types? This may seem like your ideal van (and it may well be) but you need to look at a lot of others to make sure and see what else is out there, including other Rapido models if that's what you like.


Have you any experience have you had of camping or caravanning that you can draw on? If you are a total novice to this way of 'life' take your time and do your research, it will pay dividends and could save a lot of heartbreak and expense.


Whatever you do I hope you end up with your ideal van.

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Thanks very much again everyone, it is very kind of you to raise many excellent points to consider carefully.

Thanks especially to Mel B for the very detailed & thoughtful reply, good point about kitchen worktops, I hadn't thought of that and it looks as though we might struggle to get the BBQ out this summer! I did smile when you said I should think about driving such a long vehicle - a very reasonable piece of advice - what you didn't know was that although new to motorhoming, I have spent years driving (now grown up) daughter all over the country with horses in 17.5 ton horsebox and have my HGV.

We've actually looked at lots of motorhomes already (+ went to Pickering) and been learning all the way along, for example; we were going to go for a longer vehicle originally till we found out that lots of campsites don't take motorhomes over 8m & it would be a lot more expensive on the ferry. So it's a huge learning curve.

Thanks very much to everyone, I'm so pleased that so many of you are really pleased with your Rapidos.

Watch this space!!!!!! (lol) Regards, Penny

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Hi Penny

We have had a Rapido since early 2001; first a 749M now a 9048df. Have always been happy with build quality, with very the few problems mainly being confined to the ancillary equipment.

One issue not picked up in earlier replies is that of weight. The larger Rapidos tend to be a bit tight on the available payload; ie the number of bodies, holiday kit, food, water and other things (eg bikes) that you want to pack. You need to check what is the registered maximum weight of the van you are thinking of buying; this is normally on a plate under the bonnet. Then get the van on a weighbridge completely empty to find the unladen weight. Your available payload is the difference between the two. If your van is plated at only 3500kilos you could find that the payload is only around 400kilos. Some are 'plated' at a higher weight (3700) giving more payload but bringing speed restrictions when driving on the continent.

Best of luck.


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Hi Penny


I have a feeling Rapidos are built with the capacity to be plated at a higher weight without modification. In other words it is an administratitive process. Best person to advise you about the need or otherwise for modifying the van would be Martin Prior at Wokingham Motorhomes, or try another Rapido dealer. As regards the admin process of registering a change in weight this is something that crops up regularly; try a search on 're-plating'



As regards speed limits i did a longish reply to someone on that some weeks ago but can't find it.

In the UK speed limit is affected by your unladen weight. Under 3050 kilos and you drive at same speeds as cars. Over that weight and the limit on de-restricted single carriageway roads goes from 60mph to 50mph and on dual and motorway drops down to 60mph.

On the continent the registered maximum weight of the vehicle is the controlling factor. In France and several other countries once over 3500kilos the limit on rural single carriageways drops from 90kph to 80kph. On dual carriageways the limit varies from 80- 100kph and on Motorways is 110kph.There are subtle variations in other countries. Oh and you also pay a higher toll on paying motorways in France!


I hope that is sufficient to be going on with.



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Thanks very much indeed Colin, that is really helpful.

We are coming to the boil about the Rapido and have arranged to go back for a second look I'm encouraged by the response here, so fingers crossed! (?) (?) (?) (?)

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Can I be rude and ask how much it cost ?


(Private mail me via the PM button on the LHS bottom of this message , if you do not want to tell all !)


We are considering upgrading to either an island bed or two singles.


Anyone want to downsize ;-)


It seems quoted prices have very little to with final prices paid.



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penny56 - 2009-08-04 8:34 AM


Thanks very much,

We are leaving for our first trip, North Wales, on Friday in 'Mavis-the-Motorhome'. (I know, I know....I've named the motorhome.... :$ )


French Van needs a French name !




Ours is called Josephine (It would be unkind to have named it Napoleon, becuse it is short & Stubby) (Apologies to any Napoleons reading this thread)



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Guest JudgeMental
penny56 - 2009-07-27 10:14 PM

Also thinking about what Peter said, it is unlikely we'd ever be in a situation where we'd be reversing up a hill.

Thanks again


Really? no one goes looking for these situations they just unexpectedly happen......


twice on our summer trip to Italy I had to do this. the most serious was when the road unexpectedly started dropping & narrowing and and I turned the corner to have a low bridge in front of me...I had to reverse up the hill negotiating a sharp bend and scrapped the rear edge of the camper.


luckily mine is a Ford *-)

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