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Fridge cooling fan.

Guest chris.

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Hi, Has anyone fitted a fridge cooling fan,the type that goes behind the top fridge vent.? If so, basically ...do they work? thank you chris.
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Yes. A DIY instalation. Does it work. Not yet proven but high expectations. Ask when we return from 4 weeks on the Med in the summer. The Fridge does work OK anyway but it has very little in hand in this environment and I hope that the 2 PAPST fans I have fitted will improve the margin. We shall be on mains hookup for most of this time anyway.
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Guest keith T
Hi Chris, yes we have one faxtory fitted on our Rapido. Works a treat, and many's the time we've been in the south of france, and many others on site have had fridge coevrs etc off, or complained about them not working, and we have been fine. They're a bit noisy, and it's quite surprsing that it often comes on in the middle of the night in some conditions - I suspect it's also dictated by interior warmth as well as external temps. We leave it on automatice setting when away at that time of year.
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clive would it be possible to give me some info on the papst fans you have fitted ,do they have a thermostat?what size are they and where did you purchase them from.i would be obliged if you could help me with this info. and thank you both for your replies.thank you chris.
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