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Bodywork damage

peter lambert

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panagah - 2009-09-23 4:01 PM Well fellow Mhomers, Rupert, should being a miserable member of a forum, or should spouting trash off ever become an olympic sport. your gold fella absolute gold

Likewise if being thick and not knowing the difference between your and you're gets a gold then you'll be on the podium.

Remember, you started it, not me! If you want to have a pop at me when we've never even posted together then feel free, but don't expect me to take it. In fact, why did you even feel the urge to be provocative in the first place?

Kettle, pot and black come to mind!

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I've looked at the forum-profile of the Frank Wilkinson persona that I now understand is being referred to. I note that FW posted 647 times between 13 October 2006 and 1 April 2007, but I can't say I immediately recollect any of them. This may just mean FW's and my own particular interests didn't coincide or that I deliberately chose to overlook his contributions.


I recall FW being banned, though not the reason. I vaguely remember someone mentioning after the banning that FW had been booted off a lot of motorhome forums for constant objectionable bickering, so I'm guessing that was what provoked FW's ejection from this one.


If RupertGS is not a reincarnation of Frank Wilkinson, then it would be sensible for him to say so. It would be unkind to tar RupertGS wrongly with the FW brush.

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Thanks for spotting this potential link with what seems to be a mischievious forum member. All I wanted was a bit of friendly advice and help with a small problem. I was beginning to think I was almost wasting my time, as, apart from a small minority of decent members who replied, all I seemed to be getting were sniping comments from a certain member.

I was wondering whether it was worth my while putting postings on here, but I will continue to visit. Perhaps others are put off using the forums for similar reasons.

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Sorry Peter, I started it with my first post. But Frank.....sorry, I mean Rupert, soon took the bait and has been feeding feverishly ever since. (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)
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Sorry to put my pennyworth in but I would be very surprised if Rupert and Frank were one and the same.

Every now and then someone pops up who feels any one who does not express them selves correctly or has a different opinion than themselves needs made to feel inadequate. Then of course there are our wind up merchants who are always on the look out for a punt.

Have to say though Frank was in a class of his own and don't think he can be mimicked, and one way or a other he would make me smile. Carol.

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I have sympathy with Rupert's view about the number of people who tar all businesses with a "rip off Britain" tag or some other similar comments about service offered by some dealers etc. However, I would think Peter was using the phrase metaphorically rather than literally. Perhaps Rupert's response was born our of frustration rather than the desire to have a go at a fellow contributor.


The problem with written language is that it is difficult to get the right tone and understanding. In my time on this forum, three people have expressed concerns to me about my postings. All these have been raised tactfully and resolved with good humour outside the forum.


I have undertaken a significant number of costings of services. Whilst most people look at what they consider to be a fair wage for the person doing the job, Rupert is right that there are significant other costs in services that have to be added in.


For example, I wanted 5 small trees chopped down. I budgeted for £15 per man hour as I thought that was fair for a man with a saw. When I saw the equipment needed to do the job, the raft of legislative compliance issues, his qualifications, and the skill he and his team exercised, I happily paid far more than this. More importantly, I felt he was worth the money.



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Basil - 2009-09-21 12:03 PM


There was a chap at the Peterboro show who was displaying some very complicated repaired panels, both alloy and GRP, the subsequent repair being invisible. I believe that he was just starting out as a franchise and did not cover all areas at the time but was happy to travel if there was more than one repair required, or for you to go to him. He also was advertising in MMM but I can't find the advert, Doh!

I believe he was called The Caravan Medic and the following may be the website, it has some before and after pics. and the display he had at Pboro. showed the various stages of repair and the result was as good as the pics. show. The cost was extremely reasonable in my view too, from less than £100.







For some reason the site I quoted in my post did not seem as I remembered it but it was all that came up on the search I did, however I have now found the origional website that was given to me by the gent at Peterboro on his literature and is I believe a little more comprehensive than the one I quoted and also appears to be a different head office !!

So I don't know if it is competition OR another part of the franchise.

The origional site is




Sorry for confusion



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Hymer C 9. - 2009-09-24 6:24 PM


Have to say though Frank was in a class of his own and don't think he can be mimicked, and one way or a other he would make me smile. Carol.


"Frank Wilkinson" performed prolifically on this forum from 13/10/2006 to 1/4/2007, when he was banned.


He rapidly resurrected himself on 22/4/2007 as "caraprof" and posted a startling 728 times until 10/10/2007. (Unlike the FW account, the caraprof one still seems to be live and usable.)


"RupertGS" first posted on 8/9/2007 and thus, for roughly a month, overlapped "caraprof". I chanced on one thread where both personae were 'giving it large'.




I notice that, within this thread, RupertGS says "I make wrought-iron gates, balconies etc.", while I believe caraprof/FW was involved in the camera business. This suggests that two separate entities are involved.

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RupertGS - 2009-09-23 11:24 PM
panagah - 2009-09-23 4:01 PM Well fellow Mhomers, Rupert, should being a miserable member of a forum, or should spouting trash off ever become an olympic sport. your gold fella absolute gold

Likewise if being thick and not knowing the difference between your and you're gets a gold then you'll be on the podium.

Remember, you started it, not me! If you want to have a pop at me when we've never even posted together then feel free, but don't expect me to take it. In fact, why did you even feel the urge to be provocative in the first place?

Kettle, pot and black come to mind!

people like you and the past you's , are the reason so many people dont bother posting their worth on forums. Its people like you who get a sadistic kick out of pissing everyone else off that spoil it for everyone else.So why did I feel the urge to be so provocative? simple, I have seen many of your posts without contributing and each and every one seems to spout off the same s**t, an attempt to have a go, and or cause trouble even at some of the most respective and informative people whom give their time free to offer advice. Even if the advice is sometimes slightly dodgy. so sit behind your sad little PC correcting every tom dick and harry, Meanwhile Ill be out enjoying what I have and you dont seem to, A LIFE (lol)
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:D :D :D We shouldn't really feed 'The Trolls', but it is fun :D :D :D


(Definition of a Troll: An obnoxious user or member on a forum that goes out of their way to make pointless, offensive, or annoying posts and messages. Often these users are labelled as spammers and will post random off-topic junk in many sections of a forum.)

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Guest JudgeMental
Derek Uzzell - 2009-09-26 9:04 AM


Hymer C 9. - 2009-09-24 6:24 PM


Have to say though Frank was in a class of his own and don't think he can be mimicked, and one way or a other he would make me smile. Carol.


"Frank Wilkinson" performed prolifically on this forum from 13/10/2006 to 1/4/2007, when he was banned.


He rapidly resurrected himself on 22/4/2007 as "caraprof" and posted a startling 728 times until 10/10/2007. (Unlike the FW account, the caraprof one still seems to be live and usable.)


"RupertGS" first posted on 8/9/2007 and thus, for roughly a month, overlapped "caraprof". I chanced on one thread where both personae were 'giving it large'.




I notice that, within this thread, RupertGS says "I make wrought-iron gates, balconies etc.", while I believe caraprof/FW was involved in the camera business. This suggests that two separate entities are involved.



Honestly, that Frank what a card!


Yes Derek, your link is to a brilliant example of why this forum had such a bad reputation for arguing! lol


Starspirit/donna miller/old git/ big Al.... the list goes on and on. Where have they all gone :-(



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Well, I have to say that I quite like Rupert. Of course, I haven't been on the receiving end of one of his 'broadsides', but you must admit he is karismatic. As he rightly points out, he has been helpful to some threads.

Its a bit like being a spectator at a blood sport when somebody makes an innocent post and Rupert promptly throws 'a double six' and puts 'em right !

Edited to korrect spelling mistake.

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bob b - 2009-09-26 8:19 PM

Its a bit like being a spectator at a blood sport when somebody makes an innocent post and Rupert promptly throws 'a double six' and puts 'em right !


Not quite in the spirit of a motorhome forum though? What on earth has spelling/grammar got to do with anything on here?

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Time to call it a day I think...


DIY minor repairs to GRP should, in principle, be straightforward. However, if you've never done it before, are not confident as to the best materials to use and want a perfect invisible-mend, it's likely to be better to seek professional help. A professional repair will inevitably cost more than a DIY one, but the asking price (provided that it is not exorbitant) may still be worth paying as long as one can be reasonably condident that the job will be done satisfactorily.


There's a Haynes manual dealing with car bodywork repair and GOOGLE-searches on "GRP repairs" and "GRP repairs motorhome" should also be helpful.

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