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I love to go a wandering


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I love to go a wandering along the mountain track, and as I go I love to … Yikes Nudists!!!




We were in The Harz mountains this summer but did not know this sort of thing took place. One of our outings took us very close to Dankerode and we found a lovely deserted path where we picked loads of blueberries which we had for dinner that evening.

Blueberry spotting now takes on a whole new meaning.

Is this sort of thing OK or have the Swiss got the right idea about imposing a fine? What do you think?

Me, I don’t even take off my vest of till June.


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I must admit that at home, of an evening, sometimes I do go around scantily clad (careful there boys, don't get tooooooo carried away with those imagies! :$ ), that is to say in my underwear, however this is from 'necessity' rather than from a need to be 'free' - ruddy hot flushes are an absolute s*d! :D


Also, for those of us rather more 'well endowed' (steady lads ......), going around bra-less isn't the most comfortable thing in the world which is why I like to keep my figure more on the 'svelt' side as much as possible. :->

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Lady signs up for breast enhancing cream at £100 a pot and a course is one pot a month for a year. Husband says


“You do not need all that expensive stuff to make your boobs bigger – just rub a bit of tissue between your breasts once a day – that will do the trick.”


“How does that work then?” said his wife


“No idea” he said – “but look what doing just that did to the size of your bum”


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