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Sat Nav for Motorhomes


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I know we all have a story about Sat Nav's but is there anyone out there who swears that the Sat Nav they use is the bees knees, especially considering the units we drive.


Please exclude your 'other halves' as they always know best when the Sat Nav 'Huffs & Puffs' and gives up and the old map comes out!





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I would totally ignore any subjective advice from sat nav users. They may think that their sat nav is the bee's knees but, how can they honestly say that it's a lot better than other models, of which they have absolutely no experience?

It is also true that experiences gained in say, the last year, will be useless, as there will be new models out by now, which could well be superior to the current one.

And of course there is the eternal problem that many people always think that their car/motorhome/sat nav is the best because, subconsciously, they want to justify their choice and prove to themselves how wise they are.

The only proper way to gauge a product is to read independent reviews by organisations such as 'Which'. I also read Auto Express magazine reviews, which can be accessed free on the web.  


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RupertGS - 2009-10-11 11:48 PM

I would totally ignore any subjective advice from sat nav users. They may think that their sat nav is the bee's knees but, how can they honestly say that it's a lot better than other models, of which they have absolutely no experience?

It is also true that experiences gained in say, the last year, will be useless, as there will be new models out by now, which could well be superior to the current one.

And of course there is the eternal problem that many people always think that their car/motorhome/sat nav is the best because, subconsciously, they want to justify their choice and prove to themselves how wise they are.

The only proper way to gauge a product is to read independent reviews by organisations such as 'Which'. I also read Auto Express magazine reviews, which can be accessed free on the web.  


In other words don't bother to ever ask for help because we're all bias and don't know anything.

Maybe all be need is Chatterbox then?


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Although there are lots of sat-nav manufacturers there are only 2 mapping suppliers to all of them so in the end there's not much to choose.

I have a Navman and would never buy another as they charge too much for updates. But if I was buying one now I'd probably get a TomTom purely because they are the most common. Not a very good reason I know.

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It's interesting that Ralph says he would not buy another Navman because of the cost of updates. That's similar to my view of TomTom. My TomTom Go 300 is the only sat nav I have used, being bought for me as a Christmas present in 2005. In general the unit works OK, so long as one remembers it is only a tool and not infallible.


However, I am put off buying another TomTom only partially by the cost of map upgrades and moreso by the extent to which they are out of date. In my view there is no excuse for mapping to be so out of date.


I appreciate that putting together the maps in the first place was a big job but they have been around for long enough now to have had any problems ironed out. Changes to take account of new and re-aligned roads is (or should be) nowhere near as complicated a job. With the design and planning process we have in this country there have to be extremely detailed plans drawn up by the national/local authorities concerned which describe where the new/changed roads will go. Translating those plans (which are created using a relatively small number of programs and a relatively small number of file formats) into the data required by sat nav systems should be straightforward for the two suppliers involved.


As a result of the fact that there are only two map suppliers I would also be put off buying a brand other than TomTom unless I had assurances that mapping was kept more up to date.


The TomTom is very good in regard to one being able to add large numbers of one's own PoIs as batches. As that is an important factor to me I would not buy a machine running software which does not have a similar facility (Snooper for example).



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Guest JudgeMental

I prefer Garmin, and have used them since 2000. Mainly because you can install the mapsorce mapping on your PC and laptop and plan routes etc in comfort rather then on a small screen. then its easy to transfer routes/waypoints etc either way between PC and unit.


My Nuvi 770 is 19 months old and it started playing up recently. Garmin replaced it with a new one. The new one had more upto date mapping so I asked how could I install this on my PC, so they sent me the latset mapping DVD. if you return a Garmin to Hellfords they will replace it, if a TT they have to send it away for a repair.


with Garmin now you can sign up for maps for life (of the unit) for £100. this gives you the latest mapping and there has been between 2 -4 upgrades a year these days.

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Way2Go - 2009-10-12 6:33 AM
RupertGS - 2009-10-11 11:48 PM

I would totally ignore any subjective advice from sat nav users. They may think that their sat nav is the bee's knees but, how can they honestly say that it's a lot better than other models, of which they have absolutely no experience?

It is also true that experiences gained in say, the last year, will be useless, as there will be new models out by now, which could well be superior to the current one.

And of course there is the eternal problem that many people always think that their car/motorhome/sat nav is the best because, subconsciously, they want to justify their choice and prove to themselves how wise they are.

The only proper way to gauge a product is to read independent reviews by organisations such as 'Which'. I also read Auto Express magazine reviews, which can be accessed free on the web.  


In other words don't bother to ever ask for help because we're all bias and don't know anything.

Maybe all be need is Chatterbox then?


Yes, you've got it in one. Other contributors will however have worked out that my view only concerns matters that are completely subjective.

I recently took part in a debate on the merits of auto or manual satellite systems. I have had both so feel able to comment on the efficacy of each. However, I would not be conceited enough to state that my Camos dome is the best. Although I find it excellent, it's the only one that I've ever owned, so how can I say that it's better than another make?

I find it quite hilarious though that you complain that I accuse members of bias, when your own signature shows you to be extremely biased. I have often wondered why someone needs to trumpet his views on religion on a motorhoming forum. Perhaps you are extremely biased against religion?

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Guest JudgeMental
Rupert can you please stop finding fault and tearing into everyone at every opportunity. It just makes you look a very narrow minded and somewhat nasty individual. And you have the audacity to carp on about others contributions being appropriate.........
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JudgeMental - 2009-10-12 10:14 AM Rupert can you please stop finding fault and tearing into everyone at every opportunity. It just makes you look a very narrow minded and somewhat nasty individual. And you have the audacity to carp on about others contributions being appropriate.........

Sadly, I've come to expect no less from you. I simply responded to what I saw as a rather unfair response to me when I tried to give a reasoned reply as to the best way to decide on which satnav to buy.

Way2Go more or less accused me of insulting members of this forum, when I did no such thing. I can guarantee that if I was completely insulted by someone and chose to respond, that you would criticise me and ignore the insulter. Perhaps it's time to stop letting your personal predjudices affect your posts? I shall now retire from this thread to allow it to get back to the best way of choosing a sat nav!

Edited to say: I have for some time found Way2Go's signature very offensive and quite nasty but have refrained from commenting. His accusation that I think forum members are all biased (which I don't) made me chuckle as there appears to be no one more biased than him.

In one short sentence he accuses all of us who go to church of being hypocrites, but I've never seen you make a single complaint about that!

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Guest JudgeMental

Probably because W2G, is one of the most responsive and helpful members of this forum. His choice of avatar etc is no business of yours or mine. Who gives a to$$ as to what you find offensive you prig. Unlike you he keeps his contributions focused on areas he has knowledge of? And can help with? Your insidious bitching and criticism at every opportunity is making this an unpleasant forum to visit.



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JudgeMental - 2009-10-12 11:08 AM Probably because W2G, is one of the most responsive and helpful members of this forum. His choice of avatar etc is no business of yours or mine. Who gives a to$$ as to what you find offensive you prig. Unlike you he keeps his contributions focused on areas he has knowledge of? And can help with? Your insidious bitching and criticism at every opportunity is making this an unpleasant forum to visit.

You really are odd! I'm not allowed to find anything offensive but you are allowed to find me offensive? You accuse me of being nasty when all I've done is respond to a post that clearly attacks me, but then you post the kind of vile nonsense above.

Very strange and also a bit hypocritical!

I would also add that my original post was intended as good advice and I even posted a link to where he can find sat nav reviews. As for his signature (not his avatar) I repeat: Why does he feel the need to denigrate church goers? Why make a statement about his obvious opposition to religion on a motorhome forum? And you call me nasty!

As for making this forum an unpleasant place to visit, you are certainly not helping by your continuing efforts to find fault in everything I say, based on nothing more than a personal antipathy towards me because I've possibly clashed with you in the past. I apologise for returning to this but your post was so offensive that I had no choice. I shall now retire and leave it to those who, like me, want to give advice on choosing a sat nav and I hope that you can do the same.

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Guest JudgeMental

Back on topic.......


You will find that most on here support either or Garmin/TT. There is not that great a difference between them. Both companies produce a hell of a lot of models, most fine for simple A to B navigation. but motorhomers in the most part like to plan their routes so expect a little more from their sat navs. I have already explained my personal preference


a good place to start (there are others) is a dedicated sat nav forum:



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Good grief - I pop off to work for a couple of hours and you have a spat . . . without me!

My compliments and thanks to da Judge.  Even before today it was obvious that without his valuable contributions to this forum it would be a very sorry place indeed.

Rupert, I'm not surprised you found the signature offensive . . . . it was aimed at people like you.

I don't intend answering anymore as the subject has been well covered so I've just 'de-flagged' meself from any more updates.

I hope Tony got the answers he was looking for.


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There are new models out now that enable you to input size and dimensions of your vehicle so as to avoid narrow streets and low bridges. Do not have one but have seen one in action and it looked good. Ventura comes to mind but at around £400 it is costly.

We have a 28ft vehicle 3.1 mtrs high and our Garmin does try to send us down some very narrow lanes!!!!!, however the other half using a map always tells me the right way.

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In my opinion (having owned one of each) both T.T and Garmin, and probably most others, will get you to your destination, for me, equally important is the sat navs. ability to quickly reroute itself if I chose not to follow the planned route - road looks too narrow etc, and for me, the tom tom has a slight edge in the speed with which it does this.
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The problem with modern sat/navs is that they've lost their way!


The current crop are now programmed with so many gimmicks that they have forgotten their basic job of getting you from A to B in the most efficient manner.


I recently purchased a costly all singing and dancing Pioneer 900 system for our van which is unbelievably bad, and the worst yet - I've had four over the years so have some previous knowledge to go by. So bad in fact that I've resorted to putting an old Tom Tom back temporarily, which I consider pretty poor but not as poor as the Pioneer.


Can anyone explain why it is that I have a 10 year old system in my car that leaves the current crop standing as far as navigation goes. If you ask it to use main roads only that's exactly what it will do as far as possible. I can set it and relax which is far from the case with the modern gear.

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RupertGS - 2009-10-11 11:48 PM

I would totally ignore any subjective advice from sat nav users. They may think that their sat nav is the bee's knees but, how can they honestly say that it's a lot better than other models, of which they have absolutely no experience?

In one fair swoop Rupert, you have made an all encompassing assumption about everyone who has ever owned a sat nav and attempted to undermine their knowledge without even knowing them. Well Rupert, you totally ignore the advice that anyone gives about anything then because of course, according to your 'logic' we are all biased, not experienced, just totally biased. You can pretend it wasn't meant like that at all if you like but unfortunately we know you too well from past EXPERIENCE! Remember this thread the next time you need some 'experienced' forum member to help you out ... As for W2G's signature - it's totally accurate. There are those who go to church because they 'feel' the should or it gives the 'right' impression to others, to me that is an insult to everyone who genuinely goes to church for the right reasons (of whatever denominations/beliefs etc), ie to worship and give thanks to their God and they should be respected for that.
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I recently changed my motor bike and the guy threw in a Garmin Zumo 550 sat nav. Its obviously waterproof, sunlight readable and wireless for in-helmet voice guidance,plus an anti-theft feature. I can also use it in the car/motorhome.  

I've used it lots and would recommend it to any bikers/motorhomers out there. 

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Mel B - 2009-10-12 6:32 PM
RupertGS - 2009-10-11 11:48 PM

I would totally ignore any subjective advice from sat nav users. They may think that their sat nav is the bee's knees but, how can they honestly say that it's a lot better than other models, of which they have absolutely no experience?

In one fair swoop Rupert, you have made an all encompassing assumption about everyone who has ever owned a sat nav and attempted to undermine their knowledge without even knowing them. Well Rupert, you totally ignore the advice that anyone gives about anything then because of course, according to your 'logic' we are all biased, not experienced, just totally biased. You can pretend it wasn't meant like that at all if you like but unfortunately we know you too well from past EXPERIENCE! Remember this thread the next time you need some 'experienced' forum member to help you out ... As for W2G's signature - it's totally accurate. There are those who go to church because they 'feel' the should or it gives the 'right' impression to others, to me that is an insult to everyone who genuinely goes to church for the right reasons (of whatever denominations/beliefs etc), ie to worship and give thanks to their God and they should be respected for that.

I just knew that you couldn't resist wading in with another completely nonsensical jibe just because it's me! My point is totally valid and I stand by it. There is a huge difference between a subjective opinion on a product when you've only owned one. How can you possibly tell someone that yours is the best? This is completely different from advice of a general nature, which I'm happy to give and receive. I do wish that you'd read all the posts properly before jumping in yet again. If you had read it properly you'd have noticed that he was asking for advice on what people thought of their own sat navs, not general advice on sat navs. My advice was to ignore subjective advice and read independent tests and I even gave him a link. That to me is very good advice!

As for Way2Go's signature, which he has just admitted is aimed as he says 'at people like me'. If I were to post a signature, the sole purpose of which is to antagonise people, you'd be the first one jumping on me and telling me how arrogant I am in foisting an opinion, which has nothing to do with motorhomes, on everyone else.

You are, without a doubt the most partisan and unfair person on this site. You don't like me and cannot stop yourself attacking me at every opportunity. I don't mind that as I can look after myself but I really do wish that your posts were based on logic and not on some gut reaction which causes you to open your mouth before your brain is fully in gear.

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RupertGS - 2009-10-11 11:48 PM

I would totally ignore any subjective advice from sat nav users. They may think that their sat nav is the bee's knees but, how can they honestly say that it's a lot better than other models, of which they have absolutely no experience?

It is also true that experiences gained in say, the last year, will be useless, as there will be new models out by now, which could well be superior to the current one.

And of course there is the eternal problem that many people always think that their car/motorhome/sat nav is the best because, subconsciously, they want to justify their choice and prove to themselves how wise they are.

The only proper way to gauge a product is to read independent reviews by organisations such as 'Which'. I also read Auto Express magazine reviews, which can be accessed free on the web.  


I think the above statement is logical, and made me think about what I say about things. Rupert is almost 100% correct (in this instance)Only thing is.............i always look at the reviews on products that are on argos, amazon etc, where its the buyers leaving a review on the product they buy. Most dont try to 'prove how wise they are', and at times say they bought the wrong product/its rubbish/wasted my money etc.Rupert, does this type of review not go against your 3rd paragraph ?
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RupertGS - 2009-10-12 11:55 AM

As for making this forum an unpleasant place to visit,

you most certainly do your best
RupertGS - 2009-10-12 11:55 AM

I shall now retire

promises promisesperhaps we should have a sin - bin or red card policy that gets enforced
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after a lot of messing about we finally took the plunge and went for a Tom Tom,

it was on special offer at the time

Way2Go was exceptionally helpful

as GJH said- it's easy to add POIs


like it, pleased with it, relatively idiot proof, maps are expensive to update but it does have the option to take updates from other users



very patient with me too when I completely ignore her instructions - oh would have thrown several wobblers in the same circumstances :D

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