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Overnighting on French motorways....

Guest JudgeMental

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After reading the replies from Brian and others and my own posts again I realise what I was trying to say didn't come across well, or even clearly!


Of course we should all take whatever measures we feel will keep us safe and it is important to weigh places we intend to stay overnight carefully. Espescially as Brian pointed out, places where the local police warn travellers to take extra care.


The point I was trying to make was that even after taking precautions and thinking one place is safe, it is still possible to be part of the small number of people, compared to the large number of people using the facilities, affected directly by crime.


I wouldn't want anybody to think I was advocating just leaving these things up to luck or taking a less than informed decision before doing something. But by the same token it is possible to be put off doing stuff because we don't make an informed decision based on headlines and sensational reporting.


How many people have been put off visiting somewhere because of reports of gas attacks for instance, when the reality is they are based on urban myths and stories re-told by uninformed journalists and others.


There is crime and if it happens to you personally then it is heartbreaking and could of course affect your decisions in the future. I was only trying to point out to newcomers to motorhoming that it is a relatively safe pastime and one that can bring great enjoyment if we approach it open minded as well as taking the nesessary safety precautions.


As for ice climbing? You must be joking, even if someone tells you it's the greatest thing ever, just say NO, cos you will die! :-D

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Thanks Tomo.  I knew that what you really meant.  Honest!!  I agree with everything you say, especially about the ice climbing!  Some poor soul killed himself doing just that last week in Scotland.  Seems to me a very high price to pay for a few moments of excitement - but they will do it!
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Guest JudgeMental

What are you talking about *-) The reported gas attacks may well be an urban myth, but the robbery that accompany them certainly are not!


In other words they are still reported robberies, whether gas was used is immaterial the results are the same :-S

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I never said they weren't! I am just trying to say that people should take as many precautions they can to make themselves safe & secure, but then get out in their vans and enjoy themselves and not let stories, true or otherwise, prevent them from using their motorhome.


It's the same with "Juddergate". There are people on this, and other forums, who have had horrific experiences with Sevel bult vans, but I've had 2 since 2007, driven over 22,500 miles around Western Europe and never had a problem. In my opinion it is an excellent chassis/engine. If anyone asks me what I think I tell them that, but add the rider about reading up on others' experiences and make the choice themselves. I don't then consider myself responsible if they then have a problem after buying on, but , I don't think it makes the problems some have had any the less validand distressing if they don't.

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Guest JudgeMental
Syd - 2010-01-02 7:47 PM


I use French motorway services with our caravan every year, so far it is 1 each, go prepared for the yellow s**ts and mean it.



But was this not a false alarm? were you not gassed by Mrs Syd after a fierce feed of Guiness? *-)

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Guest JudgeMental
Syd - 2010-01-02 10:54 PM


This is for real Judge


I know, & rememeber the events Syd. If you dont mind, why dont you repeat your experiences for those who do not think these things happen and as a warning to others..........

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We were robbed on our first ever visit to europe, on a motorway services, while there were 4 people asleep in our caravan, a culmination of several small errors by us that eventually led to a quick in and out robery job at about 7am. These event usually happen in southern france as you get down towards the spanish border I believe.

We are much wiser now but we do continue to use the motorway services.


I do not advise everyone else to do as I do but I cannot swallow being robbed and then do nothing about it afterwards hence the current equal score that I am looking to improve on this year

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Had the same experience some years ago Syd, on the A9 in Southern France. Ours was with a motorhome which the low life managed to get into around 3am. However, he woke me up before he was able to steal anything. On the basis that these people don't like to attract attention we always carry a marine gas powered fog horn which I stuck in his ear as I tried to get to him. So if you come across a doubtful looking character, deaf in one ear and with a weak heart, look out! We were green then and without an alarm, now we call our van 'Fort Knox' and avoid motorway overnight rest areas like the plague.


Incidentally, we were alongside four other outfits and despite all the din going on not one of them woke up. So much for those that think they are light sleepers, as some of those did.



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What we can not understand is why people are using the toll autoroutes in the first place when the French N and D roads together with free sections of autoroute will get you there just as well and a lot less cost. Yes the journey may take a little longer but you will see more of la belle France and arrive more relaxed. Regarding staying overnight on the autoroute service areas then again do not see why you would do this, as offical, and safe, aires de service for motorhomes can be found in many villages close to autoroute exits. Main thing however, is not to be worried by all the stories of crime and "gas" attacks. If we belived all that is reported on this forum, or in certain sections of the tabloid press, then none of us would leave our own drive let alone risk driving through France or staying on an aire de service!
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Guest JudgeMental

while I agree with most of what you say, the French autoroute system is excellent and uncrowded compared to ours, very relaxed fast progress can be made. For those with limited time and not worried re cost they are superb. But I will not stop overnight on them :-S


when I retire properly I will probably not use them as much, not the pay sections anyway, and will do as you do :-D

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