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LPG in Greece


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Hi everyone just returned from 6/7 weeks in Greece, what a surprise we had of the condition of the country but this is not what I wanted to mention.

Some of you may know we have a Gaslow system and as we were about to start our trip we meet a Brit (1 of just 4 in the whole of Greece) that it was only possible to refill bottles by removing them from the vehicle for them to use thier connections well this is not true, if you have the other 2 screw on connections provided by Gaslow you will not have a problem.

The only problem you will have is in the Polepponese where there is no AutoGas stations, at least I did not find any but in the north there are quite a few.

As an aside the only camp site we used was Camping Athens which we were not very impressed with.


:-> :->

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Guest JudgeMental

welcome back Curly


while all info is appreciated I for one would be more interested in your opinion of Greece and your experiences on th trip in general.

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Thats one hell of a question Judge, where do I start.

First and foremost the people are very nice and friendly and we enjoyed the whole experience.


The weather till about 3rd week in October was fantastic and then we had the intermitent days of rain/thunder storms..


Take plenty of cash as it is vertually impossible to by fuel with credit cards even from the major companies, we ferried to Kefalonia (which was absolutely beautiful only 2 other campers on the island) but the ferry company did not accept any cards, we were fortunate that we carried Euro cash as an emergency. Diesel was way below a Euro a litre and occasionally 0.82 cents a litre, this was a bonus to us as we had 1.12E to the £ which ment diesel on average was approx. 81/82p a litre.


Problem with Kefalonia is that it is smothered in Brits they fly there from all over the UK. not a word of Greek anywhere.


Not all supermarkets took cards. OK in Athens as it is the major tourist destination which was a small part of our trip.

We found food and general items very expensive as it is over most of Europe (even if we had the Euro at 1.40 to the £)


The shock was the way they dump rubbish all sorts whether building materials or general garbage it is everywhere, in some areas 100's of yards long the roadside and inwards by 30,40 maybe 50 yards huge areas.

The few police cars that we saw would not stop and remove any dangerous obstacles off the road.

An example in Gythio the very large commercial garbage bins 3/4 in a row were buried in all sorts of rubbish.

We passed very large shanty "towns" which were unbelievable to see this sort of thing in this day and age in Europe


Some roads very very rough with potholes and when it rains with no drains the roads can be a nightmare and very dangerous with the water gushing with rubble and mud.

They have a system where there is a narrow strip of road on your right for you to pull over for the vehicle behind to pass but this is ignored and the Greeks pass at will.


It was easy to wildcamp and no fear of any nonsense from the locals.


Whatever you do, if you go, do not miss the main attractions/sites especially Meteora this place will make your eyes stand out like pickles on a fork.

Athens no need to mention it is a must see.


It looked to us in many areas that they are a generation behind the rest of Europe and makes you realise that we do not have a lot to winge about.

With no exaggeration we saw more abandoned vehicles in 6 weeks in Greece than we have seen in 6 years in the rest of Europe put together, it is a renovators dream.


Must go now to pick up the grandkids but if more info. needed come back to me.









:-> :->

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Guest JudgeMental
Thanks Curly it was the tantalising "what a surprise we had of the condition of the country" that got me wondering. The garbage situation sounds a bit like Goa which we visited this year.
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