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Window shattered......!**!!


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After being good advice from this forum I purchased an adaptor so that we could use our van on my parents drive. We own an Autosleeper Symbol 08 which has darkened windows along both sides of the vehicle. On arriving at the caravan site where we keep the vehicle we found the window on the offside, towards the rear of the van was completely shattered. The glass panel was still attached to the van although some of the glass had fallen where it was situated on the outside of the sealed area. We could see in the centre of the window a large chip of glass missing caused from either a flying stone or maybe an airgun pellet. Either way we weren't able to use the van for risk of the whole window actually shattering into small pieces.

The caravan site has stated that we signed a contact to say that we leave the vehicle at our own risk so will have to claim on our insurance. This maybe the case but how can we be responsible as to what else happens on the site especially as they have CCTV and we are paying them a premium for this added security.

Questions ..... Has anyone else experience this problem with windows on their van and does the site have any responsibilty regarding the vans in their care.

Any comments gratefully received.

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It is standard practice to be 'at own risk', you have already got insurance for your van, to be covered by site you would have to pay a second insurance somewhere along the line.

You state 'glass' should that not be plastic? is it double glazed?

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Being cold is not a real problem. We have blinds that pull down and with the heater on we are as snug as bunnies. To be honest it wasn't something we checked on when we bought it - loved the layout and everything else it had to offer. Wasn't til we bought it that we realised what was missing compared to our last van!!! Of course now we've discovered the disadvantage of having glass windows as well !! The grass is always greener............
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Sorry to hear that your van has been damaged this way, but I think the advice of going through your own insurer is correct.


My parents store their caravan at a CASSOA gold facility, which has all singing & dancing security, fences, alarms and superb CCTV recording, which is an excellent setup for preventing thefts of and from vans.

Unfortunately they suffered air pellet damage to a front window and although the facility owners bent over backwards interrogating the previous weeks footage, it appears that the culprit was well outside the perimeter fence and away from CCTV coverage.


They too had to make a claim on their own insurance.

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At the Lincoln Showground this year ,a van wild camped in one of the entrance gateways waiting for the gates to open in the morning was shot with an air gun, the pellet was found in the door skin, it appears it was a drive by shooting, a friend parked next to the van in question confirmed this happened. :D :D :D :D
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Thxs for everyones comments. Looking at the glass it looks like a stone had hit the window and the glass shattered outwards. It was only the seal around the window which prevented the whole window collapsing. The insurers are fully aware of location of the van but once it has been repaired we are going to ask the site for another pitch, where the windows won't be placed in a vunerable postion to other vehicles passing too quickly - and yes before you ask there is meant to be a 5mph spped limit. Oh the joys of motorhoming !! (lol)
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We have a Warwick no trouble with the glass so far, find it quite good after plastic double glazed windows but we are mainly GMT +1 campers.

Our Honda Jazz had the rear passenger window shatter on the drive, (not vandalised) glass seemed to impode into the car, Honda replaced under warranty. The windows in the vans are part of the original Peugeot Window Van so I would have thought been supplied from them and not Autosleeper, not particularily important as long as it is replaced.

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We havn't got glass windows but our hob has a glass lid and that shattered for no apparent reason, the alarm suddenly went off when it was parked up on the drive and the lid was in smitherines still waiting for our dealer to get back to us, they've put a claim in with the manufactures.



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