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P&O Ferries £60 ticket amendment fee.


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Mel B - 2009-11-17 6:22 PM .............. When I rang her back a little while later she told me they'd charged her £5 as their 'admin' fee on top of the P&O cost, a total of £50!!! Fuming was the 'mild' version of the word I felt like using!!!!

So Mel, what do think would have been a reasonable charge to have made?  I don't want to be quarrelsome, but if £45 was the difference in fare for the earlier crossing, is a £5 admin charge for 'phoning P&O so unreasonable?  It must have taken someone's time to do it.  After all, with all due respect etc, no-one forced you to get sunburned!  :-)

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After some helpful advice on here (Michele alerted us to it) concerning the Frequent Traveller tickets on the Tunnel we would never willingly go by the ferry route now. (We had no choice the day after the tunnel fire last year unfortunately but understood the problems).


The last ferry we booked was with Sea France and trying to return 3 hours earlier than booked, we were told it would be a £20 charge or we would "have to wait over there and do NOT leave your vehicle!" (as we had passed through security already apparently and could not leave the dock) - No problem really, parked "over there" had a cup of coffee and some of the fab French food we had just purchased and before we knew what had happened we were being called over to get our tickets for our original time slot. ;-) Nicely rested we were on our way........ :-D

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Brian - After what we'd been through it was just the last straw - even the French P&O chap was very sympathetic and was willing to amend our booking even though it was against their policy to do so, the C&C adding another £5 just added insult to injury, especially when you know that it was my Mum, who was very worried at the time (aged 81), who was making the change for us and explained the situation to them. If we'd just been changing it for the sake of it then I can understand, but we weren't.


I know you are 'ribbing' me about the sunburn, but I don't know if you recall what had happened and how bad it was. We didn't choose to get sunburned but it was extremely bl**dy painful. If you're squeamish, don't look at the photos.


Chris's legs were very badly burnt, this was him at home 9 days later - he'd had 2nd degree burns and all his ankles had blistered massively.


The photo of my legs (looking like tree-trunks) is because they were so badly swollen with fluid - you can't even make out my ankles, now imaging you'd had to drive up all the way from Millau like that in very hot weather, they felt like they were being grilled constantly and absolute agony overnight ... not funny at all. :-(



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my brother went to change his sailing time at calais docks,but found it expensive and declined. however, he then called in at the booking office in calais (opposite the basin ) and was given a much cheaper offer, so always worth a try as its not far from the air. as previous posts seem to indicate, it all depends where you apply for a variaation, and who is on at the time. my last calais to dover (i never book) was quoted euro 180. i waited 18 hours and sailed for euro 65 :-(
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