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same as last year so take a peek


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What ya all doing for xmas ? anyone doing anything different ?


Nosey Michele likes to dream so if going away or staying at home family tellus spill the beans lets have some fun site looks pretty quiet not alot moving . :D Sssoooooooooooo Spill you go first :-D

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Hi 'Chelle. For the last 20 or more years we have had my parents up for Chrimbo Dinner along with our three kids. This year the youngest child (23 year old male) left home and we've "allowed" my parents to go to any of my siblings who might invite them if they wish so for the first time in twenty odd years they're going to my sister's. Just Jacqui, me and Dex on Chrimbo morning this year so its going to be a bit weird. We've said we may go for a long walk on Christmas morning if the weather is agreeable. Second daughter is working (chef(sucker?)) till afternoon so we'll have a late christmas lunch with the kids at our place. I might even go to the pub at midday which is something I've never done on Christmas day before!


Whatever you do make sure you enjoy it to the full.



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Where's Slimbridge ? Is it camping David


Dave you know what people make such a fuss of it , Christmas is for kids and I can remember being so excited I picked up these bells in Tesco's the other day and stood closed my eyes and shook them . Good memories my mum used to tell me to get to sleep cause Santie wont come and the sand man is on his way to put sand in my eye's haha at the end of the day we spend so long bring the kids up with the same as what we all got and all of a sudden they are adults dont beleive and its over they grow up and go.

It makes me feel so old but like you and Jackie I intend to try and have a good time peace and quiet haha you enjoy your walk with the dog and your few pints in the pub .merry crimbo from me x

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Slimbridge is on the River Severn. We will stay at Tudor Caravan Park just behind the Tudor Arms (a real ale pub).Ten minute walk down to the Wetlands and Wildfowl Trust, thats the main reason for going there. We usualy go several times a year.

Yes Christmas is all about the Children. When we were working we worked nearly every Christmas day so having the day to ourselves is still new to us. Our Son and Daughter in law are expecting a baby any day now, they will be having his two children from his first marriage with them. Our Daughter and husband are having Christmas at home in deepet Wiltshire. So we thought lets do our own thing this year, and try the new van out.




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We've officially moved "up" a generation this Christmas.

Instead of seeing siblings or parents (who we'll see earlier), we've been invited for Christmas dinner by our daughter and her boyfriend!

They live locally, so we can stroll over there after the Christmas morning service and not worry about driving back.

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Guest Tracker

Christmas - humbug - over commercialised clap trap!


We'll be at home - just the two of us enjoying our own company - unless we get a better offer that is?

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After years of either going to one of our four kids for dinner we now like to have it on our own :-D that way we can put our feet up and enjoy a glass or two of wine and go to sleep if we want to without having to drive home. They have all played turns coming here but now the grand-children are mostly teenagers and take too much filling as well as take up too much room we have called it a day.


They nearly all come either Christmas Eve or Christmas morning to visit and then go home! Every year I say we should have gone away in the Van but I think I would feel very lonely without them all coming to see us.


By the way I now Hate Christmas it has been spoilt by commercialism and the kids expect far too much! gone are the days of A Compendium of Games and an apple orange and nuts in a sock :-S every year I say "I'm not buying them all pressies" and I end up rushing around like a mad women buying for 10 adults and 10 grandchildren!!!

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David Dwight - 2009-11-19 8:28 PM Going away in the M/home. Possibly to Slimbridge. Hoping to have the new van by then!!!!! David

We're off to the Christmas Markets in Belgium and Germany again in late December then a quiet relaxing holiday period.  We also expect to visit Slimbridge to check on the progress of these little fellas :-





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Looks like we will have a "bah humbug" Christmas again. Parents too old and too far away to travel. Have only seen my son about twice in the past 10 years, not expecting to see anyone else, so won't be cooking a Christmas lunch or even putting a tree up. Hubby's not really bothered either so I expect it will just be a normal day. :-|
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