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Further to my post "Rained Off" in Motorhome Matters on the 18th inst :-


I never expected the intensity of the deluge that hit Cumbria and other areas of the northwest.


My heart goes out to the residents of the villages and towns of Cumbria, most severely affected by the flood waters, and especially to the family, friends and colleagues of the Policeman who sadly lost his life whilst helping his community.


A sad, sad loss.

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It's a disaster, with Christmas around the corner as well. Dosn't bear thinking about. Lincolnshire where I live is supposed to be prone to flooding, but the weather has been brilliant, quite warm if a bit showery.

Quickly touches wood. :D

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When will these poor people be able to get back into their homes? It's going to take forever to get them dried out and habitable again, not to mention the loss of many precious possessions. I think the government should declare a National Disaster and pour some money in pdq. I felt desperately sorry for them when I watched the news. I really feel sorry for the policemans family too, what kind of Christmas are they going to have now.
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12 inches of rain in 24 hours? Beyond belief.


I live in a town which straddles the river Severn so our lives tend to revolve around watching the river level when the weather's bad. Can't imagine what it would be like if we'd had all that rain.


My thoughts are with the families in Cumbria.

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