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Advice sought on a Pilote/Fiat 3L

Uncle Bulgaria

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After two excellent years and 21,000 miles motorhoming, we are ready to move to another vehicle (more beds and more payload). I've got interested in a new Pilote A class on a Fiat base with the 3 litre engine. but I know nothing about Pilote as a brand and manufacturer. Any feedback from forum members would be most welcome.


The other mater on which I would welcome advice is the "reversing-up-a-hill"question. The contributions on the thread started by Andy Stothert are extensive and illuminating, but I am trying to resolve whether the problem is present with the 3 Litre engine. I think I also read somewhere that Fiat/Peugeot were fitting a modified gearbox to current vehicles so I assume there is a VIN number from which this applies.


We are tempted by the Pilote, but I want to know what I may be letting myself in for. All advice gratefully appreciated, as always.



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Hi Richard

I can't talk from experience, but I have kept a watching eye on the Fiat situation. The general indication of incidence of reverse judder with the 3 litre engine appears to be a lot less (than the 2.3litre) and virtually non-existent on the "auto" gearbox option.

BUT as with so many reports it does appear to be Model dependant, even some models prone to the Reverse judder by the same manufacturer where their other models do not suffer.

All the above assumes you are looking at a 2007 > model.


Pilote are an established French manufacturer and usually regarded as a premium brand although the City Van originally introduced as a "budget" range has now been rebranded as Pilote for 2010 models.

I am sure there will be some responce from Pilote owners to expand the above info.

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I don't know anything about Pilote but it is a matter of public record that some 3.0 X250 vehicles have been affected with the reversing issue and while there are modifications being incorporated on vehicles built after April 2009 and some have been satisfactorily modified under warranty this only applies to 2.2 and 2.3 chassis. There are no mods for the 3.0 and none appear to be in the pipeline as Fiat are denying there is a problem.


My advice is to stick with the van you already have if you value restful sleep and would rather be using it than trying to get a problem fixed that allegedly does not exist. Or you could be lucky.



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You'll need to do your research, as ever!  There is more then one range of Pilote A class vans, so you'll need to visit and look, to see what the differences between the ranges really are.  Owners seem either to love them or hate them, apparently because when they are good they are very good, and when they aren't good, Pilote can be stupefyingly French about putting things right!  In other words, the quality has been a little hit and miss at times, though is generally well regarded.  Moral, make sure the dealer is good, and not too far from home!  From the juddering string it appears there are no 3.0 litre mods present or planned, and that the best safe option - at a price - is the 3.0L auto. The drawback with any of the smaller engines will be trying to ascertain when the chassis cowl was built, so that you can be confident of the modifications incorporated by Fiat before delivery to Pilote.  How easy that may be will depend on co-operation from the dealer and Pilote, and how long before conversion the chassis are delivered to Pilote.  RHD (if that is what you are after) chassis tend to be batch produced, so old stock is possible unless Pilote adopts the same logic, and does all its RHD vans in batches immediately on receipt of the chassis.  In view of the relatively low demand for RHD Pilote A class vans, this seems doubtful.
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My thanks to the three members who have responded to my query. I have also checked out the MHF forum and found 261 pages on the judder topic. On the 3 litre it seems caveat emptor applies, and this buyer is now very wary to the extent that I have discontinued my interest in an X250 base. I do hope those members who have experienced problems on their 2.2 and 2.3 litre vehicles achieve a full and satisfactory resolution. I also hope Ford and Renault push harder for a share of the motorhome base vehicle market to give some competition to the Sevel partners.
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Hi Uncle


I purchased a brand new A Class Pilote G270 in May 2003 and have recently traded it in after 6.5 yrs. I would echo the comments made by Brian in all but one important respect which I will come to shortly.


The problem with your question is that it assumes things are constant and unfortunately in life, and certainly in the M/H world, that is simply not the case. Given the nature of the manufacturing systems used in m/h factories every 'van is unique - irrespective of the badge on the front! It's a bit like the financial services caveat "past performance is no guarantee of what might happen in the future - your investment might go down ..." or something like that.


Since I purchased my 'van there have been very significant changes in construction, design and layout of the Pilote range so my personal experience of running a G270 will have very little bearing on what you could expect now.


Where my experience differs from those that Brian has come across is in the matter of Pilotes response to problems and in this regard I have found them to be extremely helpful - even in cases when the warranty has expired. This may be because I have been fastidious about annual servicing, have always used the appointed dealer and have kept notes about any incidents.


Pilote have or are in the process of moving their production to a new state of the art facility and I suspect that they receive a lot of financial support from the French Government - but don't mention that to the EU mandarins. I regard this as an important competitive advantage because it means they are likely to be around for a long time.


My 'van hasn't been trouble free but it certainly delivered on my expections of being a practical, compact and comfortable outfit. Would I buy another? yes - based on the two factors mention above. Did I buy another? No - because they didn't offer a 6 metre A Class at the spec and with the layout I was looking for. But based on my experience I bought a Frankia from Pilote's sister company and got what I regarded as a very good trade in price.


I can't comment on the latest Fiat problems but can understand your concerns having read through the various threads. I would however urge you to keep an open mind and certainly take a test drive in a X250 based m/h. My Frankia has a Mercedes chassis and it is too early to comment on relative merits but based on first impressions and my experience with the old 2.7 JDT I don't think Fiat have much to learn from their German competitor.






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