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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 12:52 AM


How is it that Gordon Brown can give away millions of British taxpayers money in foreign aid? not a day goes by without reading in the papers of yet more money being given away for one reason or another, I thought we were broke? is there no way of stopping this madman?



Is it your theory then that when the electorate get rid of Gordon Brown foreign aid will stop ?



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malc d - 2009-12-17 9:28 AM


knight of the road - 2009-12-17 12:52 AM


How is it that Gordon Brown can give away millions of British taxpayers money in foreign aid? not a day goes by without reading in the papers of yet more money being given away for one reason or another, I thought we were broke? is there no way of stopping this madman?



Is it your theory then that when the electorate get rid of Gordon Brown foreign aid will stop ?



No, it wont stop but it does seem excessive when we are in such a mess,

and are you quite happy with Britain giving money to all and sundry, and how long will it go on and are the countries in reciept of this money better off for it, and are we responsible for the well being of all these countries and when are these countries going to stand on their own two feet??

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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 9:54 AM


malc d - 2009-12-17 9:28 AM


knight of the road - 2009-12-17 12:52 AM


How is it that Gordon Brown can give away millions of British taxpayers money in foreign aid? not a day goes by without reading in the papers of yet more money being given away for one reason or another, I thought we were broke? is there no way of stopping this madman?



Is it your theory then that when the electorate get rid of Gordon Brown foreign aid will stop ?



No, it wont stop but it does seem excessive when we are in such a mess,

and are you quite happy with Britain giving money to all and sundry, and how long will it go on and are the countries in reciept of this money better off for it, and are we responsible for the well being of all these countries and when are these countries going to stand on their own two feet??



My problem with foreign aid is that I believe that much of it never reaches the people it is aimed at.


However, as I see it, we ( the better off nations) have a choice:


1) We try to improve the lot of people in poorer countries, who often cannot fully support themselves for 'geographical' reasons, so they can live reasonably where they are




2) Their populations all move to the better off nations, seeking a better life.



I prefer option one.







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malc d - 2009-12-17 10:07 AM


knight of the road - 2009-12-17 9:54 AM


malc d - 2009-12-17 9:28 AM


knight of the road - 2009-12-17 12:52 AM


How is it that Gordon Brown can give away millions of British taxpayers money in foreign aid? not a day goes by without reading in the papers of yet more money being given away for one reason or another, I thought we were broke? is there no way of stopping this madman?



Is it your theory then that when the electorate get rid of Gordon Brown foreign aid will stop ?



No, it wont stop but it does seem excessive when we are in such a mess,

and are you quite happy with Britain giving money to all and sundry, and how long will it go on and are the countries in reciept of this money better off for it, and are we responsible for the well being of all these countries and when are these countries going to stand on their own two feet??



My problem with foreign aid is that I believe that much of it never reaches the people it is aimed at.


However, as I see it, we ( the better off nations) have a choice:


1) We try to improve the lot of people in poorer countries, who often cannot fully support themselves for 'geographical' reasons, so they can live reasonably where they are




2) Their populations all move to the better off nations, seeking a better life.



I prefer option one.







If for 'geographical' reasons the lands these people live in are inhospitable to sustain human life then as far as I am concerned mother nature takes over and does what she will and just like the dinasaurs these people will disappear into the sands of time, harsh but reality, mother nature can be bountiful but also cruel, a part of the evolutionary process?

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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 10:34 AM


malc d - 2009-12-17 10:07 AM


knight of the road - 2009-12-17 9:54 AM


malc d - 2009-12-17 9:28 AM


knight of the road - 2009-12-17 12:52 AM


How is it that Gordon Brown can give away millions of British taxpayers money in foreign aid? not a day goes by without reading in the papers of yet more money being given away for one reason or another, I thought we were broke? is there no way of stopping this madman?



Is it your theory then that when the electorate get rid of Gordon Brown foreign aid will stop ?



No, it wont stop but it does seem excessive when we are in such a mess,

and are you quite happy with Britain giving money to all and sundry, and how long will it go on and are the countries in reciept of this money better off for it, and are we responsible for the well being of all these countries and when are these countries going to stand on their own two feet??



My problem with foreign aid is that I believe that much of it never reaches the people it is aimed at.


However, as I see it, we ( the better off nations) have a choice:


1) We try to improve the lot of people in poorer countries, who often cannot fully support themselves for 'geographical' reasons, so they can live reasonably where they are




2) Their populations all move to the better off nations, seeking a better life.



I prefer option one.







If for 'geographical' reasons the lands these people live in are inhospitable to sustain human life then as far as I am concerned mother nature takes over and does what she will and just like the dinasaurs these people will disappear into the sands of time, harsh but reality, mother nature can be bountiful but also cruel, a part of the evolutionary process?



Would you believe that if YOU lived there ?

Or would you try to move your family to a better place ?






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Guest Tracker

Why not reply without posting all the previous replies which we have already read?


It does seem strange that the Climate talks have stalled because the 'poor' nations now want compensation from the 'rich' nations and even Flash Gordon's generosity will not be enough to satisfy them?

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Tracker - 2009-12-17 10:57 AM


Why not reply without posting all the previous replies which we have already read?


It does seem strange that the Climate talks have stalled because the 'poor' nations now want compensation from the 'rich' nations and even Flash Gordon's generosity will not be enough to satisfy them?



" There are no right or wrong ways of posting - just different "



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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 12:52 AM


How is it that Gordon Brown can give away millions of British taxpayers money in foreign aid? not a day goes by without reading in the papers of yet more money being given away for one reason or another, I thought we were broke? is there no way of stopping this madman?


Perhaps a referral to Westminster Social Services is in order? I'm very worried about him too. Every time he goes out of the house he seems to give away money which actually belongs to other people. Worse still, on numerous occasions he appears to have borrowed large sums of money, in other people's names and given all of that away as well, often to highly dubious individuals and causes with apparently no intention of personally ever having to pay it back to the lenders.


At best he appears to be a vulnerable soul who is readily taken advantage of by others or he has more serious problems, in which case he needs to be assessed for his own protection and that of the large number of people in whose name he is taking out dodgy loans, which may in future escalate to usurious rates of interest.


Bob ;-)

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malc d,

No, I would not dream of trying to get to another country but what I would do is to try and improve my situation in a hostile environment just like the Europeans did when they set off in their flimsy wooden ships to explore the world and landing in hostile disease ridden countries which turned out to be the white man's grave.

They did not sit on their a** did they? they turned hostile lands into foodbowls.

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All these people who dont seem to care or worry about Brown giving away billions of tax payers money to what I would consider to be lost causes.

What would they say or how would they react if Brown decided to change the rules and deduct say 25% of every workers wage or salary so that the worker could physically see on their wage statement how much was being taken from them at source?

As far as I am concerned it is a case of charity begins at home, look to the welfare of your own people and if there is anything left in the pot then you can afford to distribute largess, it infuriates me when I read of our sick people being denied essential medication because it is deemed as being too expensive.

How many of our people are still living in caravans after being flooded out, not just from the recent floods in Cockermouth but from the floods two or three years ago.

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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 4:04 PM


All these people who dont seem to care or worry about Brown giving away billions of tax payers money to what I would consider to be lost causes.

What would they say or how would they react if Brown decided to change the rules and deduct say 25% of every workers wage or salary so that the worker could physically see on their wage statement how much was being taken from them at source?

As far as I am concerned it is a case of charity begins at home, look to the welfare of your own people and if there is anything left in the pot then you can afford to distribute largess, it infuriates me when I read of our sick people being denied essential medication because it is deemed as being too expensive.

How many of our people are still living in caravans after being flooded out, not just from the recent floods in Cockermouth but from the floods two or three years ago.


When I was working my 'wage statement' did tell me how much was being taken at source.

It was called 'tax'



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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 3:48 PM


malc d,

No, I would not dream of trying to get to another country but what I would do is to try and improve my situation in a hostile environment just like the Europeans did when they set off in their flimsy wooden ships to explore the world and landing in hostile disease ridden countries which turned out to be the white man's grave.

They did not sit on their a** did they? they turned hostile lands into foodbowls.


Not sure I follow your point.


You say you "would not dream of trying to get to another country"


You would try to improve your situation in a hostile environment, just like the Europeans who LEFT. Going to other countries in their flimsy wooden ships.


... and of course they turned FERTILE lands into foodbowls.






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knight of the road - 2009-12-17 4:29 PM


malc d,

Yes, it may have said 'tax' but it never said where that 'tax' was going did it? I dont mind my tax going to my people but I dont want bundles of it going on lost causes.




That would be an extremely long wage statement !



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The Europeans left their home shores to explore the new world, to see what was over the horizen and yes they did turn FERTILE lands into foodbowls, why didn't the indigenous populations of those same lands do the same?

England might be a green and pleasent land in the spring and summer but it can be a cold and damp place in the winter as is now.

When you have elderly people the unemployed and the sick on low incomes faced with the stark choice of heating or eating and even the fortunate ones with jobs are ever so careful before they turn on their heating systems, sorry malc but our money should be spent on us.

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Guest Tracker

Income Tax is not the real issue.


The real issue is all the stealth taxes the worst of which is the insidious and relentless increases in National Insurance, as it is whistfully called, which, because it is not headline grabbing goes on quietly penalising both employer and employee at ever increasing rates.


I'm glad I'm retired and don't have to pay it but wouldn't it be fairer to abolish it altogether, do away with all the officialdom and employees involved and simply add the revenue it raises onto income tax - that way all that can afford it - retired or working - would contribute.


Just as long as the revised tax rates started at levels that did not penalise low paid workers and low pension retired people because lower income people already pay a disproportionate percentage of their income in taxation when compared to high earners.


Brown's New Labour's version of socialism is where the lowest income folk least able to change their circumstances and least able to defend themselves get penalised the most and just maybe if tax thresholds were higher there would be no need for all these crazy and expensive gimmicks like working tax and pension credits?


But what do I know I'm just a low income taxpayer!

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Actually Tracker the real issue of this thread is foreign aid.


I agree with KOTR that charity begins at home but as far as foreign aid is concerned I think the choice is:


Help people in poorer countries to have a decent life where they are




complain when they queue up to get into Europe for a better life.



But whether or not the aid money is spent wisely is something that needs looking at.







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I would say, and Gordon Brown will no doubt know that the vast bulk of foreign aid money ends up in the back pockets of of bent presidents or whoever runs these countries and nary a penny goes to where it was intended to go.

I can't remember exactly when, perhaps a couple of months ago Gordon Brown let it be known that he had given the Chinese 30 million pounds?? towards their emissions control programme, I was spitting feathers on reading that.

China is now classed as the worlds workshop and China has said quite recently that the west has had its days of glory and commercial world domination and now it is the Chinese turn, China has no regard for human rights and it has no concern for the health of its own people who are living in hovels next to the factories that are churning out toxic poisons from its factory chimneys.

The climate change conference in Copenhagen has I think fell into disarray with the poorer countries demanding that the richer countries compensate them, they have gone into their favoured mode IE; crouching on their haunches, adopting a pained expression and thrusting out their begging bowls.

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malc d - 2009-12-17 6:17 PM


Actually Tracker the real issue of this thread is foreign aid.


I agree with KOTR that charity begins at home but as far as foreign aid is concerned I think the choice is:


Help people in poorer countries to have a decent life where they are




complain when they queue up to get into Europe for a better life.



But whether or not the aid money is spent wisely is something that needs looking at.








Pull our troops out of Afghanistan where they are fighting an unwinnable war and dying for nothing and use our troops to police our borders to keep out potential terrorists and insurgents.

If the Americans want battlefield glory let them, Afghanistan is just another Vietnamn.

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Guest Tracker
malc d - 2009-12-17 6:17 PM


Actually Tracker the real issue of this thread is foreign aid.



Actually Malc, seeing as you feel like being pedantic today, the thread was started by KOTR and it was he who also first brought up the issue of the income tax that we pay!


So there!

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Tracker - 2009-12-17 10:57 AM


Why not reply without posting all the previous replies which we have already read?


It does seem strange that the Climate talks have stalled because the 'poor' nations now want compensation from the 'rich' nations and even Flash Gordon's generosity will not be enough to satisfy them?

He should tell 'em to naff off then. They will only spend it on guns to shoot each other with. Oh on second thoughts..............give 'em the cash.
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Don't you just love these "barrack room lawyers/politicians/would be world leaders" with all the answers that have eluded so many generations of government?


If you guys really have the best answers why don't you put yourselves forward to stand for government positions from where you could make it all go away without breaking our bank, upsetting our voters, offending other nations etc?


Season's greetings to one and all :D



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