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leisure batteries


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I have tried searching but the search engine keeps crashing.


Whilst my motorhome is less than a year old the leisure barrery and the vehicle battery have died.


This may be a vehicle fault as i have the engine warning light on plus i check betteries regulary anf drive vehicle fortnightly + charge if necassary.


Soooo - its going into Fiat on 29th (if i cabn start it otherwise its on back of a truck!)


The leisure battery will not charge so thats dead!


This is an opportunity as i was thinking of adding a second battery so the question is :-


What is the best makes &

where do you source them from?


Many thanks



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Hi Clive


Sorry - didn't make myself clear - the warning light that remains on is for the engine management system and it restricts the power outout so even when engine is running i can have limite speed - that is why its booked in with fiat garage.


the alternator is charging according to RAC man thar got me started the other day BUT battery only accepted ltd charge + i have had it on trickle charge but its not holding a charge.


Sooo I have two problems

One is the engine management system

Second is the battery


to make matters worse i have a Battery Master fitted by Van Bitz when i had alarm fitted - so the engine battery drained the leisure battery - all in less than a week.


There is nothing switched on cos i have checked everything.


The plan is to get engine management system repaired and Fiat will replace the vehicle battery (at least they have said they will).


That leaves the Habitation/leisure battery which needs changing - hence my question.


I may go back to where i purchased m/home to see if they will replace under warranty BUT it costs £60+ in fuel + time so i am considering just buying and fitting a battery.



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I do just wonder if you would be wise to disconnect the Battery Master until you find out exactly what is causing this.  Without that connected, the starter battery should not have drained the habitation battery - unless the so called split charging relay has failed closed.

I had understood that the Battery Master acted as a "one way street", allowing only one of the batteries to be topped up from the other - usually the starter battery from the habitation battery, so that the starter battery cannot be flattened by a flat habitation battery and the vehicle can always be started.

If it has been wrongly set or installed, might a duff habitation battery have dragged down the starter battery?  Mr Fiat might take a dim view of that, and say the battery fault is not a warranty issue.

Have you had your van on hook-up?  If so, does the habitation battery not get charged?  Does the starter battery not get a trickle charge at the same time?  You would need to do quite a bit of driving to maintain both batteries in good condition by driving it only once every two weeks.

None of this should have affected, or been affected by, the EMS problem, but it is an odd coincidence that all have arisen at about the same time, and the Battery Master just seems a rather obvious non-standard link.  These vehicles have have integrated and invasive electronics installations, so any intervention needs doing with great care and caution.

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Thank you Brian


I was considering disconnecting the leisure battery but it does make more sense to disconnect Battery master - if i can work out how!! I will speak to Van Bitz tomorrow.


As a bye the bye - i not only take motor home for a 20 mile run evry two weeks i also hook up to mains..


In view of current problem i spoke to autotrail who say that if i plug into mains & select vehicle battery on the board (leaving the board on, then the charger will directly charge vehicle battery - i tried that for last 5 days but no luck.


Still slightly unsure if this is a base vehicle or a habitation problem, all i can say is that no problem until the EMS engine light came on which seems suspicious but not definitive.


All very frustrating.


we shall see how Fiat cope.


I had an electrical probrem with my last vehicle, a hobby on a Ford base, - that took a number of trip to ford dealer, including some extended stays with them, before they nailed down the problem - the joys of motorhoming!



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First ring where you bought the motorhome from and tell them that your leisure battery has failed - your contract is with them so it should be covered and be replaced free of charge. There is no good reason why you should have to go back to them to pick up a battery. When we had a problem with one of our motorhomes where the rear lights had been wired wrongly from when it was manufactured, it was agreed that I could get it fixed locally (for a reasonable cost) and they would foot the bill. So see if they will be willing to pay for the cost of a replacement battery and then locate one local to you. If they are a reasonable dealership this should not be a problem. If they insist on your going back to them then tell them that you will expect our fuel etc costs to be refunded.


Worth a try!



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an update


Fuses all ok so i disconnected leisure battery and hey presto the van battery has started charging - at least i think so if i am reading the panel lights correctly.


I now have the leisure battery on charge with a charger thats suitable for such batteries so we shall see what happens - may be a duff battery.


Also i initially disconnected the vehicle battery and the battery master light changed from green to amber so on face of it i think thats working.


I will get Fiat to sort the EMS problem then tackle the leisure battery problem.


Thanks for everyones help and support - it really helped me clarify my strategy/plan.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Thanls for all the responses and emails with suggestions - here is an update


Managed to get van to Fiat on Tuesday - despite several severe losses of power with EMS light on.


Fiat diagnosed dodgy van battery as cause of power loss/EMS warning light - battery changed and drove van home no problem.


I still have a slight concern about battery drain/ effectiveness of motorhome charger, - i am monitoring carefully!



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