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Still alive and kicking... and Merry Christmas to you!


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Just to prove I am in fact still alive and kicking and not been stashed under the patio that Bruce is digging up (not at this precise moment you understand) - in fact I hope that's not the intention of the huge hole...


Anyhow.... apologies for absence - I think I have self diagnosed I suffer from ADD...... and have the mind of a butterfly (ie: VERY small and unable to stay focused on anything for too long!!!)


But I thought I would pop back and wish you all a merry Crimble, and hope that 2010 brings you all health, and happiness in all parts of your lives.



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Happy Christmas Kathy - it's not the size of the hole you need to worry about it's what goes back in them - I understand that Bruce has been reading the Fred West handbook of how to fill in big holes!


Happy New Year too!

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Hhmmmmm - I'll keep a careful eye on him then!!


Hope you all had a fabulous day - we had a nice chilled out day and then celebrated the evening with a gig at one of the local Wok Buffets - a lot of the Nomad faithful turned up and it was a great night! - Bruce is still sleeping off all his hard work!

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