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Who blogs about motorhomes?


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I must say that I very much enjoyed Berti's scribblings on his trip, for those who can not yet make such trips it is nice to read about the possibilities. I must say I get a bit lost following blogs all over the place and find this forum handy, the word lazy springs to mind.


I also enjoyed the interactions if there were questions.


I do find it sad when some people who are not in agrement with a subject put their point of view across so forcefully, and some times quite offensive in their replies, but I put that down to the fact that not everyone can express them self so well, and like me has problems, mine are with grammer and spelling.


So I say keep the info comming if you are not interested look at another thread.



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Was too late to edit my last post but was going to say, the best way to read blogs (if remotely interested) is to click on archived posts and just read backwards for each month. I agree with some fellow forum members that a lot of blogs are just not worth reading as there is little connection between the reader and blogger but some are actually full of real helpful information (mine isn't) :-)

Happy blogging and motorhoming.


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Mandy&Andy - 2010-01-16 7:06 AM


It really shocks me sometimes on here how thoughtless and hurtful people can be, the gentleman only asked if anyone else had written a blog on here and could he read it or maybe they would like to share it with others.


Many people write about experiences that have nothing to do with motorhoming or camping and expect others will be interested in the life of a dog, car, motor bike etc at least this writer was keeping within the forums interests.


No one knows about different peoples circumstances and it may help them to settle into retirement by having something to do, some could be ill and not able to go out and about or work and this is a bit of a release for them, do we really need to put people down so harshly just because we don't like something, best not just to reply to the thread than treat people like lepers.


Doubt he will get much response now from anyone who has done a blog for fear of more ridicule.


Such a shame.

Still no doubt they can all have a go at me now then the thread can go even more off topic.



Well said Mandy (lol)
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Derek Uzzell - 2010-01-22 7:31 AM


I notice - with some amusement - that neilmac is no stranger to motorhome-related Internet forums, and no virgin when it comes to professional-looking websites.


Correct on both counts Derek :-D . I have been using motorhome related forums since researching the purchase of our motorhome a little over a year ago, and have also learned much about website design since retiring to Spain 3 years ago. My blog(s), however are just based on simple templates provided by blogger.com


I have just started a another motorhome blog (too much time on my hands, I hear you say!), a 'retro-blog' - "This time last year with NEILMAC" recording our first year of motorhoming. It is a great way to keep our notes, rather than being lost on an old calender. I hope it will make interesting reading too. Each entry will be posted exactly a year on from the actual events so it can be followed in the traditional manner. Comments on the blogs are always welcome by the way ;-)


If anyone would like to start their own blog and doesn't know where to start then I would recommend blogger as its completely free and, I think, easy to use.

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-01-22 2:31 AM


I notice - with some amusement - that neilmac is no stranger to motorhome-related Internet forums, and no virgin when it comes to professional-looking websites.


Well don't I have egg on my face! here I thought I was giving advice to an internet newbie, only to discover that neilmac has a grasp of web design that far eclipses my own ! :$


I was not aware that he owns the Club Motorhome site (& appears to have designed it). Kudos neilmac for a clean well-organized site.


I just can't help but point out, though, that the term 'blog" is being thrown around a wee bit inaccurately in some of these threads. It is being used to refer to all motorhome journals. A blog is a specific form of "a website consisting of entries appearing in reverse chronological order with the most recent entry appearing first " (from about.com). This is an important distinction for some of us who find the backwards order difficult to read, but not apparently for most. My website, Doyourdream, magbaz,berti's forum thread, are not, strictly speaking,blogs.


Anyway, that's a minor point - had I realized that you are a pro web designer who has developed at least one fantastic site,I would never have posted as I did previously. My apologies & I look forward to following your exploits - I may even join " Club Motorhome "!

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JeffersonCampervan - 2010-01-24 9:31 AM

Anyway, that's a minor point - had I realized that you are a pro web designer who has developed at least one fantastic site,I would never have posted as I did previously. My apologies & I look forward to following your exploits - I may even join " Club Motorhome "!


Really, no apologies needed JefersonCampervan and thank you very much for your comments. Thank you also for the definition of a 'blog' - I have learned something today :-D


Be they 'blogs' or journals or whatever I, like you, still enjoy reading other people's motorhome and travel experiences so Bloggers - please keep them coming!



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johnsandywhite - 2010-01-24 6:01 PM


:-D Maybe this might be a little different to reading a BLOG? It is a website I set up several years ago. Not kept it up to date. But it may give some insights to 'The Trials & Tribulatons of Fulltiming in an American Motorhome'.




Yep, different to a blog but makes interesting reading :-D Are you going to bring the story up to date at some point?

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