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park home on ones own land?

Guest gary

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sorry if this is a stupid or oft asked question , but is it legal to buy a plot of land and then set up a park home on it. what regulations and byelaws should i be aware of and would such a site require planning permission? tia gary mcdonnell-thomas
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  • 11 months later...
Short answer is No. Any plot of land will probably either be classed as, agricultural, forest, or a buiding plot. You could probably get planning permission to site a static while buiding a house on a buiding plot. Any other piece of land will require planning permission and change of use to site a van/parkhome, the chances of getting this are pretty slim. there will also be a problem with sanitation and not being registered as a postal address. Most parkhome sites are registered by the council i.e. have planning concent for the land to be used as a residential site, this is also why, some sites (holiday sites) only have a 10.5 month open season, and residential sites can be used for 12 months.
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