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Static Caravans - Dehumidifier Advice and Experience

Guest David Rutherford

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Guest David Rutherford
Hi, I have owned a static caravan since the end of July. As winter is now approaching, what are the benefits of using a dehumidifier when the caravan is unoccupied a) During the week over the winter period? and b) over the 7 week park shut down period mid-Jan to March? If anyone has any experience of a particular make and model they would recommend (with hot gas defrost and continuous drain) that would be most welcome. Many thanks.
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  • 2 years later...
When site closes for winter , turn off and drain all taps ,blow water pipes out using a foot pump , i always used to put vaseline on all chrome / bright work ,and put saucers of table salt in every room [ to collect damp this is thrown away when site reopens and is usually solid ] when reopening run a dehumidifier for a day and wipe all vasellined surfaces dry with a clean cloth. Just like new again , people also usually put a set of old curtains up as well and take the others to be cleaned .
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