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Private messages and timings


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Is anyone else having trouble with sending a private message today as have tried twice and the messages just end up in the outbox? Also it seems that time must be wrong on the site as it is only 5.10pm now yet previous postings show later than 7pm. Any comments?
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Petra - 2010-01-30 5:10 PM Is anyone else having trouble with sending a private message today as have tried twice and the messages just end up in the outbox? Also it seems that time must be wrong on the site as it is only 5.10pm now yet previous postings show later than 7pm. Any comments?

Wondered why I had two!! :-)

Unlike conventional e-mail, they are not sent to the recipient, it seems all the in/out boxes just sit on Warner's servers.  When you send a PM, it seems transfers to the recipient's inbox, but doesn't actually leave your outbox until they actually open it, after which it reappears in your "Sent items" box.

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