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Andy Murray


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knight of the road - 2010-01-31 9:35 AM


This tennis player Andy Murray, has anyone ever seen him smile? everytime you see him on TV or in the papers he has a snarl on his face, I bet he is the life and soul of a party.



So based on seeing him smile in paper today the above is not true.


Make your mind up KOTR. :-S

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Brambles - 2010-01-31 4:42 PM


knight of the road - 2010-01-31 9:35 AM


This tennis player Andy Murray, has anyone ever seen him smile? everytime you see him on TV or in the papers he has a snarl on his face, I bet he is the life and soul of a party.



So based on seeing him smile in paper today the above is not true.


Make your mind up KOTR. :-S



I sent my first post in BEFORE I saw Murray smiling in todays papers, there fore I am not out of order, up until today I have never seen the man with smile on his mush :D

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Brambles - 2010-01-31 5:42 PM


As they say in Glasgow - yeah Right!


I agree though, he really does not smile very often, I think he could make more effort to smile for the crowd. People do warm to a big wide beaming smile.



I'd rather he remained 'as himself' and concentrate on his game.


( Remember, Gordon Brown has been told he should smile more - what a mistake that was ! )




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Guest Tracker

Perhps he is not making enough money to enjoy himself?


Perhaps he is just another dour Scots ungrateful git?


Who cares anyway?

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Tracker - 2010-01-31 5:48 PM


Perhps he is not making enough money to enjoy himself?


Perhaps he is just another dour Scots ungrateful git?


Who cares anyway?



I wondered who would bring up the 'Scot' bit:



"Excellent ! Brit reaches final for first time in 100 years ! "


" Scottish tennis star beaten in final "



;-) ;-)

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I am sorry that Murray was beaten in this important match and was hoping that he would win, I have nothing against his Scots nationality my post was purely and simply that he did not appear to smile very much, his grimaces and cavernous gaping mouth was a little off putting to me.
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Yet another KOTR "look at me, I can start a thread" posting of nil consequence! Why not judge Andy Murray on his performance on court rather than his "smilability"?


KOTR once criticised me for referring to Susan boyle as having a face like like a melted wellie but now he's happy to criticise Murray on similar terms, although he couches them by saying he read it in a paper somewhere!


Come on Malcolm, stand up and be counted for once, if you have a comment to make say it in your own words, don't hide behind a third party.



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davenewell@home - 2010-01-31 8:15 PM


Yet another KOTR "look at me, I can start a thread" posting of nil consequence! Why not judge Andy Murray on his performance on court rather than his "smilability"?


KOTR once criticised me for referring to Susan boyle as having a face like like a melted wellie but now he's happy to criticise Murray on similar terms, although he couches them by saying he read it in a paper somewhere!


Come on Malcolm, stand up and be counted for once, if you have a comment to make say it in your own words, don't hide behind a third party.




It seems to me that you like having a dig at me for some reason? I did not say that I read it somewhere in a newspaper and who is the third party that I am supposedly hiding behind?

All I said was that he does not appear to smile so much, is that an insult to the man? I was rooting for the man to win and was disappointed that he lost and I made no derogortory remarks as to his skill and prowess as a tennis player.

And further more whats the meaning of your snide remark Yet another KOTR "look at me, I can start a thread" what is your problem with me starting a thread?

I did not criticise Andy Murray I only passed an observation that he is not much of a smiler which several members appear to agree with.

As for you comment re Susan Boyle that was uncalled for considering the woman has one or two personal issues to overcome.

So come on Dave, you stand up and be counted and lets hear what you have got against me? If you dont like what I post or if you don't like the regularity of my posts then say so or have a word with the mods.

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davenewell@home - 2010-01-31 8:47 PM


Read my post properly Malcolm and you will find most of your answers.




Sorry dave, I am not a mind reader or very good at quiz games. I dont want most of the answers I prefer them all in black and white so that I can understand them, if you feel the need, you are quite welcome to PM me, where you can insult me to your hearts content.

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You say that my posts are of "nil consequence" I don't send them in for accolades, they just come into my head.

Your posts are not exactly earth shattering are they? At least my posts come from the heart and are not trawled down from elsewhere on the internet.

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knight of the road - 2010-01-31 8:39 PM


I did not criticise Andy Murray I only passed an observation that he is not much of a smiler which several members appear to agree with.

As for you comment re Susan Boyle that was uncalled for considering the woman has one or two personal issues to overcome.

When Andy Murray was at school, the same mass murderer who used to be the leader of the boys club I went to, killed sixteen kids and their teacher in a classroom next door to him. I might not want to smile too much!


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messerschmitt owner - 2010-02-02 9:33 PM


chip on your shoulder about us Scots being better than you at almost everything?




As in ?




decent prime ministers.....no

tennis.... obviously not


wearing skirts.....yes


world champions at anything......no


continually complaining about how you hate England and the English, then all moving here for a better life........No need to answer that one is there.



Please feel free to add to the above list.

And try to remember, it is the media who refered to him as British ( which, until Scotland attains total independance including funding, then he is, whether he likes it or not) not the general population of England.


*-) *-)

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Guest Tracker

Nice list Donna.


However there is one bunch of would be anarchists - would be anarchists because they need English money to survive - that make the Scots look sensible.


And the winner is - The Welsh - a nation with a fine future firmly behind them - and in particular Plaid Cymru - what a bunch of inward looking whingeing hypocrits.


Not all Welsh people are like this it must be said - mainly the politicians falling over themselves to be seen to be politically correct.


At the moment it is still a nice place to live in spite of the Welsh Assembly cocking up health, ambulance service, transport and education and reducing them all to alevel below the standards that apply in England.


And they want more law making powers - ye gods and little fishes - it beggars belief!

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