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Andy Murray


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OMG I love it ROTF..


Ok is it true or false that Andy Murray has said and quoted the words he hates the bloody english ..


No argument I am enjoying the otherone too much count me out ..Is it true or false ..

OOps and I agree with Donna :D seriously I do (lol)

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Hi Rich,

The problem seems to get worse the further west you go into Wales, it's not too bad round where I live, but I did once enjoy listening to a Plaid Cymru canvasser banging on about how he would love to see all the English sent home or hit with a higher tax, blah blah, he then asked if he could count on my vote at the local elections............................" sorry mate" says I " I'm from Coventry".


Exit one extremely embarrassed chap, amid howls of laughter from the neighbours, not much support for Plaid round here, they will do unmeasurable damage to Wales if they ever get a majority seat.


Not sure what it's like out your neck of the woods though, personally, I think Plaid are still living in the 18th century

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Pembrokeshire - often known as 'little England beyond Wales' - was the only county to vote against the formation of the Welsh Assembly Old Pals and Jobs for the Boys Club and as such is not too bad.


The further West you go the more you suffer from governmental apathy - out of sight out of mind syndrome - and this is particularly noticeable in hopspital waiting times and number of consultants because none of the best guys want to come this far West.

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donna miller - 2010-02-03 8:30 AM


messerschmitt owner - 2010-02-02 9:33 PM


chip on your shoulder about us Scots being better than you at almost everything?




As in ?




decent prime ministers.....no

tennis.... obviously not


wearing skirts.....yes


world champions at anything......no


continually complaining about how you hate England and the English, then all moving here for a better life........No need to answer that one is there.



Please feel free to add to the above list.

And try to remember, it is the media who refered to him as British ( which, until Scotland attains total independance including funding, then he is, whether he likes it or not) not the general population of England.


*-) *-)





fax machine

postage stamp

pneumatic tyre

condensing steam engine

gas lighting

paddle wheel

screw propeller

iron-hulled ship

hot blast oven

wire rope


balloon post

universal standard time

roller printing


Encyclopedia Britannica

first book translated from English

first colour newspaper advert


latent heat




ultrasound scanner

cloned sheep






hypodermic syringe

mosquito as carrier of malaria


beta blockers

flush toilet


life ring

vaccine for typhoid

surgical anasthesia



lime cordial

cotton reel thread

electric clock

the Bank of England

The Bank of Scotland

the Bank of France

the digestive biscuit


colour photography

the comb

the keyring

the US Navy

tarmacadam roads



You even copied our idea for concentration camps in the Boer War - we did that a few centuries before anyone else!


Scots have made more world-changing innovations than any other country pro rata by population size and some of the most important inventions and discoveries in the world - that despite living next door to the biggest bunch of whinging, useless (it's not nice to insult people)s in the world, who needed our soldiers, our sailors, our merchant ships, our engineers and our administrators to both win and keep their Empire!


Don't think I need to mention much else! We're better and you have a chip about it!


Now **** off and come up with a similar world-changing list of discoveries and inventions that the English have made and balance it out with a population ten times the size. The world would be a very different place without the Scots and a lot worse for it!


And it's INDEPENDENCE! I did forget to mention the slightly better quality of our education and law systems, didn't I?



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messerschmitt owner - 2010-02-03 10:24 PM






Now **** off and come up with a similar world-changing list of discoveries and inventions that the English have made and balance it out with a population ten times the size. The world would be a very different place without the Scots and a lot worse for it!





Touchy little man aren't you. No chips there then.


Oh I forgot to mention,


The ability to trawl the internet for useless, unfounded facts about scotland. I could go through your list and prove you to be a silly humourless fool, but I have a life.


Try delving deeper about your claimed inventions, your list is at best highly amusing.


If scotland is such a wonderful place, what are you doing in Gloucester



p.s watch out for the moral crew, they can't stand bad language on here, we'll see how high their standards are with you.

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