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:-D I think what Derek said about no NEW orders being taken for 2010 has been the crux of the matter.Anyway we are to have a Toskana on loan from Hartleys until the delivery of our new van in Sept 2010.Thats when we have been quoted.We are satisfied with this and will no doubt enjoy the Toskana while we have it.Thanks to everyone for your advice and suport.Can't hide the fact that we were very worried and are now relieved.
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A bit of a result but the loan vehicle belongs to the dealer. Have they given you the cash for your van?


If the dealer goes bump between now & September the van you are driving is theirs & unless you received cash for your van you will have lost everything.


Sorry for being so negative but dealers do go bust as I said on the original thread it happened to a friend of mine in a space of 5 days, you are talking about 7 months.





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The loan vehicle is probably in lieu of them not being able to get your van back. Just make sure you get it in writing that it's only a loan van or you could be saddled with it if it goes pear shaped. Also how do your insurers view this arrangement? have a word with them first, because if you have an accident in it what will happen then? Will the dealer accept back a damaged van? Worth thinking about. Personally I would be very wary of such an arangement, I would want the money for my van first.
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Hi Poppy

At least the dealer is taking some positive action, which is commendable. All appears to be on track BUT it is still important that you establish your legal position. A call to Trading Standards should help you to determine if you need to engage a Legal representative to safeguard the value of your p/x Van.


Moral to all:- only release your p/x early, if the dealer is prepared to deposit the proceeds in a customer account (similar to what solicitors do when dealing with property sales)

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I hope the dealer is still trading when the van arrives!


All credit to Hartleys for trying to help but I would still find out what the legal position is - just in case.


Good luck and enjoy!

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flicka - 2010-02-07 7:52 PM


Hi Poppy

At least the dealer is taking some positive action, which is commendable. All appears to be on track BUT it is still important that you establish your legal position. A call to Trading Standards should help you to determine if you need to engage a Legal representative to safeguard the value of your p/x Van.


Moral to all:- only release your p/x early, if the dealer is prepared to deposit the proceeds in a customer account (similar to what solicitors do when dealing with property sales)

It's called en Escrow account.
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This is good news, although as others are saying you should still be cautious and be sure your position is covered all ways round.


Toscana looks nice - enjoy it Poppy!


Can we all agree to let the original thread, which degenerated into a bit of a slanging match, drop off the bottom now, and keep up with the ACTUAL story on this one?

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My suggestion, on the basis that the dealer has been named and may well be keeping an eye on this string in his own interest, is least said soonest mended!  I think too much detail has already been revealed, and it would be wise to resist the temptation to reveal any more.  Might I suggest using PMs to communicate on the specifics from now on?  You never know!  :-)
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