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POIEdit problem


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Perhaps Way2Go or any of you other experts out there can advise? We have a TomTom Go700. I have connected it to my PC and am trying to update the aires from Campingcar-Infos using POIEdit.2. I have done this before (occasionally) but this time I just keep getting an error message that says invalid .xml. I tried uninstalling POIEdit and reinstalling but it has made no difference. We are not computer whizzes in this house! and I'm stuck! Sheila B
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Having a problem here,Way2Go. Attachment size must be under 100kb. If I make it that small it is unreadable.


Exact wording is


"Cannot download http://campingcar-infos.com/Poi/cc-info1.Xml(new version) because the following error: Invalid .xml


Please check your internet connection. Also check the Sites Status page on POIEdit.com to see if the site is up and running according to the systems of DNote Software."


The site is not listed on the Status page.



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It may be because CampingCar no longer makes its POIs available to Dnotes's POIEdit software.

In other words, you log into POIEdit and download a set of POIs from the CampingCar web site.  Sometime later you go back into POIEdit and hit the update button but in the meantime CampingCar have withdrawn their web site from the list of available POI providers (on POIEdit).  Therefore, I think the error is generated because it's trying to update something which is no longer available.

I think the only way you're going to update the CampingCar POIs is to download them directly from the CampingCar web site.  It's fairly straight forward and will come in a zip format which you'll need to unzip.

If you have any problems let me know.


BTW.  If you ever need to get a screen dump of just the error message in the future, try holding down the [Ctrl] and [Alt] keys together, then hit the [PrtScr] button.  I usually then go into Paint and Paste (if using Windows 7) or Edit > Paste (if using earlier versions of Windows) the image then save the image as a Jpeg.

That way you'll only get the 'window' in front of the rest of the cluttered background.  Try it out to see :-)

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I also would like to download the c/car aires to POI on my Tom Tom 700 but as I have never downloaded anything to it so far I cannot follow the advice. The screen on Tom Tom does not give me the option described, only to purchase this info, is this correct?.If not, how to I transfer this info in simple terms please?


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Thanks, Way2Go, but screen advises Adobe cannot open your advice as " not supported file or if sent by e-mail not correctly decoded"

Since then, I have found the screen you described and translated into english and finished up with 17 files on screen ending with" lisezmoi Tom Tom" but do not Know how to proceed, sorry.


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I'm in the same boat as a complete computer idiot. I down loaded this OK and it opened in word, amazing that something actually worked. The next problem will be getting my Vista powered lap top to back up my Tom Tom. This morning it's already deleted several icons from my tool bar of it's own accord and in a few minutes it will drop the internet connection because it's got bored!
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Alan D - 2010-02-16 10:28 AM Thanks, Way2Go, but screen advises Adobe cannot open your advice as " not supported file or if sent by e-mail not correctly decoded" Since then, I have found the screen you described and translated into english and finished up with 17 files on screen ending with" lisezmoi Tom Tom" but do not Know how to proceed, sorry. Alan.

Oh good grief.  I should run computer courses on how to use them.  I could make a bomb.

Right, the document I posted was a .DOC document which means you can open it in Microsoft Word - not Acrobat Reader which only opens .PDF files.

When you download the POI zip file from the link I posted it will need to be unzipped and the contents put into your map folder on your TomTom as per the instructions I posted in the 'How to' Word document.

See how you get on.


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Mr. Grumpy - 2010-02-16 10:41 AM . . . The next problem will be getting my Vista powered lap top to back up my Tom Tom. This morning it's already deleted several icons from my tool bar of it's own accord . . .

You know it's just a machine that does whatever you tell it huh? 

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OK, Way2Go, I have now managed to download the zip file and extract the contents to the computer, (using the Wizard) and then add the files to my Tom Tom. I've tested it and it works! Amazing. Campingcar-infos are still telling us to use POIEdit, but as soon as I read your explanation the penny dropped. Many many thanks for your help, this time and previously. Don't know what we would do without you!

I would now like to download aires lists for other countries from this site but it doesn't seem to be possible. Does anyone know if the USB flashdrive contains other countries, or just France?

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Hi DonB


Yes the USB drive does have aires for other countries too.


Hi Way2Go


Really sorry to impose on you even more but I was following your advice on here on how to download the CCInfos POI's to TT 720 but I am having different problems.


I have a new Western Europe map on a 2GB SD Card (the old map is still on the hard drive which wasn't big enough to take the new map) and have followed your step by step guide to load them onto the map file on my TT. I have checked and they are indeed there but do not come up on the list of POI's on the device.


If I plan a route using the old map I can use them but when I change to the new map I cannot - even though I can other select POI's that are in the 'old' map file!


Any advice gratefully received.


Best regards,


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Hi Way2Go


I have just managed to sort it out - on 'My Computer' I realised that there were two devices - one was the TT720 itself and the other was the SD Card in it. When I clicked on that it showed the file with the new Western Europe map and I loaded the POI's onto it - all worked fine. So the other map file for Western Europe on the main memory must be when I tried initially loading it and the device said there was insufficient space so I bought the 2GB card for it.


I should probably delete that part map file but didn't want to in case it is there for a reason!


But, while I am on, thank you from all of us who struggle with these things for the help you give.



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I think I am now left with a different problem. If I cannot download other countries aires to Tom Tom can I buy the flash drive and download from that to Tom Tom? As I would like the aires for Italy and Austria as well as France to be on my Tom Tom if this is possible. Sheila B
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Hi W2G, my problem is that my machine seems to do things that I have not told it to do. The icons that vanished yesterday reappeared this morning when I booted up. I have been following the POI thread and will be having a go at that soon, expect to hear the screams of frustration. Your instructions and explanations are very helpful but a lot of folks still have to come back with queries because the instructions don't work first time and trying to find a work round without the necessary knowledge only gets folk deeper into trouble. Keep up the good work we do appreciate the help and time you give to the forum.
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Mr. Grumpy - 2010-02-17 10:02 AM . . . Your instructions and explanations are very helpful but a lot of folks still have to come back with queries because the instructions don't work first time and trying to find a work round without the necessary knowledge only gets folk deeper into trouble. Keep up the good work we do appreciate the help and time you give to the forum.

You're very welcome and I'm sorry for the earlier shortness.  It's just that I seem to be covering the same ground and instructions over and over again which is why I wrote the "how-to's" which are dotted around the forum.  It saves me having to type it all out again :-)

See how you get on and let me know if you still need some help.


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