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Those coloured stars

Lord Raindrop

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The following is from the Forum FAQs section:


"Q: What are the little stars beneath people's names on their posts?


A: When a user has posted on the forums a certain number of times, they are awarded a star - 25 posts means the user gets a green star, 100 posts receives a purple star, 500 a blue star, 1000 a red star, 2000 a silver star and 5000+ a gold star.


It's an easy way of telling who's been around for a while - generally a user with a high post count is quite experienced and a good person to ask advice from!


(Please note that the post counts will only take into account messages contributed since the 22nd of March 2006.)"


Sadly - at least as far as your Star Count is concerned - your present star-rating is a single purple one (between 100 and 124 postings), so you've got a long hard road to travel before you win the glory of a red star (1000 postings).


There are some big players out there and I know one forum-member's Star Count is rapidly approaching TWO gold ones - that's REAL stardom!

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Derek Uzzell - 2010-02-16 7:35 AM


The following is from the Forum FAQs section:


"Q: What are the little stars beneath people's names on their posts?



It's an easy way of telling who's been around for a while - generally a user with a high post count is quite experienced and a good person to ask advice from!


Or it could be someone who posts;

I don't know the answer, but i am sure someone will be along in a minute who does :-D

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Oi you I dont always say that ..anyway its better that a newcomer knows he aint being ignored :D Now dont break the other . :D

Is it me that will get that next gold star ? just shows you what crap I talk about :D DONT all start at once I can only fight one at a time :D

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Lord Raindrop - 2010-02-16 10:02 AM


The forum organisers should put big black ones against the abusive posters so that no one responds to them or diverts them onto a black posters only thread.


Don't worry, that system is already in place amongst some members, except they use invisible stars.


Also I find your comment about "black only" posters, not only racist, but also abusive , so there we go, you've got your first black star. *-)

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I can hardly believe what I'm reading on here, do people really object to a colour, they must have a most peculiar mind.


Let me tell you all and for free I was called NIGGER when at school and I loved it. 70 years later I'm still referred to as 'old NIGGER' by just 3 remaining friends and still love it, who cares I certainly don't.


Unfortunately the boy who named me is long gone or I would ask him to respond. Talk amongst yourselves I'm out.

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Lord Raindrop - 2010-02-16 5:22 PM


I can hardly believe what I'm reading on here, do people really object to a colour, they must have a most peculiar mind.


Let me tell you all and for free I was called NIGGER when at school and I loved it. 70 years later I'm still referred to as 'old NIGGER' by just 3 remaining friends and still love it, who cares I certainly don't.


Unfortunately the boy who named me is long gone or I would ask him to respond. Talk amongst yourselves I'm out.


Seems you dont know when we are joking :D I for one was only having fun with you BUt itsjust goes to show how some people take things the wrong way .I guess it all boils down to if you could see my face job .


Honest only pulling your leg :D

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Lord Raindrop - 2010-02-16 5:22 PM


I can hardly believe what I'm reading on here, do people really object to a colour, they must have a most peculiar mind.


Let me tell you all and for free I was called NIGGER when at school and I loved it. 70 years later I'm still referred to as 'old NIGGER' by just 3 remaining friends and still love it, who cares I certainly don't.




As Michele said, we was only yanking your chain, however, despite what you may claim to have been called 70 years ago, the N word is a big no no in society ( unless you are a west coast rapper), in our crazy PC world, you're not even allowed to call someone black anymore ( even if they are).




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