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Mel B

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Certainly are Janine and a pleasure to watch how easy going and polite they all were, a far cry from the world we live in. There was also that poor lady separated from her baby by being posted 300 miles away by the railway. Crying and breaking her heart, but as she said, the only way to ensure her child would have a better chance in life and a sacrifice she was only to willing to make.

Great people, scenery and steam engines to boot. Watched quite a few of these 'Indian railway' programs lately and lets hope there's more to come. 10/10 for me.

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Hey guys you can catch it . I sat up late last night and watched it on the puter type in Robson Green and up come channel 5 DEMAND tv I selected the series I had missed and watched it brilliant .


Howie I missed it and it would be the kinda programme I would watch fascinates me I dont think channel 4 have demand on the puter but I will check it out .


careful Mel might be a little Fishy lol on a little dishey or maybe just fishy PMSL.

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