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Toyota recall


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Had our Yaris throttle pedal recall remedy carried out today (it could have been done last week, but the available times were inconvenient to me). Total time taken was just on one hour and the car was valeted and washed as well.


Now if it had been a Fiat ..................................



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spospe - 2010-02-22 8:26 PM


Now if it had been a Fiat ..................................




.............................the AA would have scraped you off the tree trunk and said that it must be the way you drive it 'sir'?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Postman has just delivered a recorded delivey letter to us from Toyota. The letter contained an apology from Toyota for any anxiety we might have suffered as a result of the throttle pedal problem and enclosed a £20 gift voucher to be redeemed at Marks and Spencer.


How many of you with juddering Fiats have had a similar letter?

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According to our local Toyota dealer cars are being fixed at the rate of 6,000 per DAY in the UK alone - and virtually all of these cars show no sign whatsoever of any fault when checked by the workshop - but they are modified free of charge anyway.


The work takes about half an hour and if you can wait for an hour they ply you with coffee in a nice warm lounge area complete with Wii and TV and even full valet your car for you for free.


Now that's what I call service!


Well done Toyota - how to turn an adverse situation and PR nightmare into a PR success - with a wonderful new car selling opportunity with so many people who might well not be there coming in the showrooms.



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spospe - 2010-02-22 8:26 PM


Had our Yaris throttle pedal recall remedy carried out today (it could have been done last week, but the available times were inconvenient to me). Total time taken was just on one hour and the car was valeted and washed as well.


Now if it had been a Fiat ..................................



Then you wouldn't have needed a recall for the throttle pedal. *-)

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Jeez boys, a bit touchy aren't we.

Never mind, give each other a big pat on the back for making me look a fool ( in your dreams)



If you read my tongue in cheek post properly, you would have noticed that I made a witty comment based on the fact that spose was talking about having to take his car back to Toyota, then said " now if it had been a Fiat",


I'll leave you to try to work out the rest. *-)

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Who saw the news report about the guy in the USA who overtook in his Toyota Pious and had the throttle jam?


They had to get a Police car to slow down in front of it and for the Toyota to ram it to stop it.


Not the sort of publicity that Toyota wants I am sure.



There is an investigation now into this to see if the problem was "real".







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I don't watch Youtube stuff because most of it is fabricated in the search for fame and sensationalism - BUT why did he not simply switch the engine off?
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Fear of his stearing lock would be one reason I would not want to take the key out or even try to turn it "so far".


More relevent from my perspective would be why not just knock it out of "Drive" if an auto or put the clutch down if a manual???


OK so engine will rev its nuts off but so what?


Naw!!! - smacks of a Toyota bandwagon claim jump to me.





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Bandwagon was exactly the word I thought too!


Switching the engine off does not lock the steering column but removing the key does - doesn't every driver know this?


I mentioned in an earlier posting about the fabulous selling opportrunity that Toyota has and I now read that Toyoya sales for February 2010 to private buyers are 65% above February 2009 sales. Total sales for fleet, lcv and private are 15.7% up on 2009, so they must be doing something right?



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