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Pets Corner

Brian Kirby

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There are many posts about travelling with pets, mainly dogs, often concerning taking them abroad.  The topics tend to surround vets, where they may not be tolerated, and how to keep them safely amused and accommodated. 

I just wonder if it might be a good idea to have a "Pets Corner" area of the forum, so that all these snippets of information could be kept together for easier reference by those they interest?  What do others think?

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Guest Tracker

Makes sense Brian as would having a corner for Battery issues, Tyre issues, Payload issues, Midgies, Scotland, France, Spain, Routes to and from everywhere and several popular topics that crop up with some regularity!


On the other hand if the search engine were to work it would help as those of us who know could direct newbies to the right source of info?


However being a free forum there is only so much that the poor old Moderators can do I suppose?


I vote for Brian to be an amateur moderator!

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I think it's a very good idea Brian. Because if you don't have the benefit of knowledge about taking them abroad and get it wrong it can seriously ruin your holiday, that's if you get to go in the first place. There's no margin for error as far as that's concerned.
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i agree with tracker if the search facility would work properly, it would make it a damn site easier :-S

dont think its owt to do with the moderators its an IT fault with the server

but what the hell do i know im an engineer not a computer wizard :D

ive spent hrs trawling thro the pages!!!!!!!!!

pets corner? nice idea why not


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This sounds like a sensible route to me, Brian.

Taking pets abroad is relevent to all groups covered by the forums, not just Motorhomers.

I very rarely look at threads in the Caravaneers, Campers et al areas and anticipate the same will apply to them looking at "Motorhome matters".

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As a new motorhome owner I am one of those who probably keeps asking questions that have already been answered before I started using the forum so... yes, it would be good for someone like me to have a place where the 'obvious' was located in a topic area that could be quickly read and used. Apologies for any repetiton that my questions may have caused! Lorna
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Brian Kirby - 2010-02-26 7:14 PM


I've tried a p.m. to the mods, but I don't think they are in!  Anyone else want to have a go as well?  :-)


Don't they read the forum Brian?


If they do - I thinkit's a good idea to have the more common subjects permanently available for easy reference.



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Well just a suggestion :-S how about if people keep using this thread to ask the questions! or we could open a new one and keep bumping it up so it doesn't disappear.


And putting it in Hints And Tips so we dont offend anyone that thinks the Motorhome Forum should be just for that.

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Brilliant idea Brian, but not just for pets abroad. There are many questions about camping with animals ...... tics for example .... that would be handy.


I once asked via memo for several sections to be added which I thought might be of use to those of us with certain interests but it didn't materialise. Now I use another site for those interests.

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