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french pyrenees

jo scott

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we're setting off march 8th for 4 weeks with the idea of dropping down through Dijon / Aix en Provence, turning west, trolling along to the lower pyrenees and up the coast to Brittany . . .anti clockwse circle.


BUT I'd love to do some geriatric walking in the lower hills of pyrenees . . is this a mad time of year to be doing this?


will even the lower paths be snowy?


any alternative walking areas for us?






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Hi Jo

I don't have any experience of the Pyrenees, but have spent many winters Sking in the Alps.

I would expect there will still be snow on the northern side of the Pyrenees throughout March. Especially with this weekends' weather forecast for the Iberian peninsular.

Typically the Ski season extends until end March, as a minimum and can go on to end April depending on snow conditions.

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