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CC advice on dogs abroad


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Just be aware that last June we had Advantix with us provided by our vet in the UK. When we went to the vets in France he read the DEFRA guide because he was unsure as to whether it is a "registered treatment".




Apparently even though it is better than either Advantage or Frontline it came out sfter the regs were written so because it isn't in there. The ferry company, who police these things before you get on the ferry home, wouldn't accept it. The vet rang them to check this out, (and I heard the converstion, in English) so I know he wasn't scamming me!


It's Frontline or Advantage or nothing, or was last June!

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I dont know about Laura :-D but Im getting concerned now and Ive been doing it a couple of yeas now! last Sept the Vet went to give Teddy an injection and I asked for Frontline, they didnt have any so used Advant---something of other, Why on earth do these Companies name things that sound the same?? When we were there in June they used Frontline .

Surgical Spirit is good to use on ticks if you havent got tweezers and it cleans the wound! I had to use it on my first dog when we came back from Scotland one year.


I was sorry to read about the little Westie he did have a bad time of it didnt he! my first Chihuahua ended up having seizures, they are very distressing arent they?


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We have never had a problem with the ferry companies regarding the treatment given by the vet on our return, the passport is filled in and stamped by the Vet and it has always been accepted without question.


The vets in France we have visited on our return have all had both Frontline and Advantix on offer and we are usually asked our preference. If we have some left when we return to the uk we take it with us for the vet to use, to save buying more.

It sounds complicated and it can be a pain fitting the visit to the vet within the timescale set down, when travelling back to the UK, but don't be put off it is really very straight forward, we always take the doggy with us and have never had a problem, just enjoy the experience the doggy certainly will, ours loves it

Replying to maggyd, yes the fits are VERY distressing she has a series of fits about every 3-4 weeks now, it was every week or so when they started after she was about 5 months old, there is no reason as to what starts them off and they last for about 24 hrs in which time she can have up to 12, it scrambles her brain for a day or so afterwards then she is fine. Our hope is that as she gets older the fits will decrease but we are aware that she will not make an old dog, but a very happy little dog and has a very gentle nature. we just enjoy her whilst we can.


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Hmmm - a lot to take on board here but will ask our vet what she thinks and go from there. Basically, like you all say, all I can do is be prepared and then go and enjoy it. Am I right in thinking that the Pet Passport is coming to its expiry date in the next few months and the government have asked the EU for an extension but this has not yet been granted? I read this within the last week. Thanks for the continuing input and support, Lorna
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LORNA - 2010-03-01 10:30 AM


Thanks for this experience - did you get the ticks from France? Also does Frontline OR Advantix have to be used, not both? Just want to be sure we ask for the correct thing when we get to our vet here and get prepared for the visit. Many thanks, Lorna


I use Advantix on our Black Lab. Note that you cannot buy this across the counter, as you can Frontline, but have to get it from the vet.


I took, on seperate occasions, three ticks off him last year, all were dead !

That was in Germany but he's been as far afield as Poland and Slovenia and picked a couple up over the years. All have been killed by the Advantix. For info, Google - 'Advantix for Dogs'


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This is what will happen, you will get on the ferry with no problems you will have a great time in France with the dog, you will find a French vet near a camp site you are staying on and get the dog treated with no trouble, you will arrive at the port go through pet passport control in about five minutes, arrive back home and wonder what all the fuss was about
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I notice that no one has replied to your point about the end of the Pet Passport scheme. I have seen nothing about this. There is nothing about it on the DEFRA Pet Passport web site and it seems very unlikely since the scheme is about bringing dogs etc. into UK rather than into mainland Europe. Sometimes certain carriers, ferries, airlines etc stop (or start) carrying pets under the scheme but the scheme itself seems fairly secure.
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Thanks again for the confirmation of treatments that work and for the encouragement to 'go for it'. Perhaps planning for a first trip there are inevitable worries but, I have to say, the help and common sense shared on this forum is marvellously encouraging for a newbie. All the very best and hope to meet lots of similarly helpful people when we get into our travels in the near future! Look out for the Jack Russell cross that looks like Tramp from 'Lady and the Tramp' - (talking about the dog here obviously)!
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Geoff Cole - 2010-03-02 9:00 AM


We have never had a problem with the ferry companies regarding the treatment given by the vet on our return, the passport is filled in and stamped by the Vet and it has always been accepted without question.


The vets in France we have visited on our return have all had both Frontline and Advantix on offer and we are usually asked our preference. If we have some left when we return to the uk we take it with us for the vet to use, to save buying more.

It sounds complicated and it can be a pain fitting the visit to the vet within the timescale set down, when travelling back to the UK, but don't be put off it is really very straight forward, we always take the doggy with us and have never had a problem, just enjoy the experience the doggy certainly will, ours loves it

Replying to maggyd, yes the fits are VERY distressing she has a series of fits about every 3-4 weeks now, it was every week or so when they started after she was about 5 months old, there is no reason as to what starts them off and they last for about 24 hrs in which time she can have up to 12, it scrambles her brain for a day or so afterwards then she is fine. Our hope is that as she gets older the fits will decrease but we are aware that she will not make an old dog, but a very happy little dog and has a very gentle nature. we just enjoy her whilst we can.


Just give her lots of Love as Im sure you do, and enjoy her and as long as she is happy that is the main thing :-D Non of us come with a guarantee do we? and Im glad you dont stop her from going with you ! neither of you would be happy would you. :-S and if she is anything like our Teddy she will love the van :-D we just have to pick the keys up and he races out the door to sit at the van door waiting to be let in. :-D

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LORNA - 2010-03-02 9:43 AM


Hmmm - a lot to take on board here but will ask our vet what she thinks and go from there. Basically, like you all say, all I can do is be prepared and then go and enjoy it. Am I right in thinking that the Pet Passport is coming to its expiry date in the next few months and the government have asked the EU for an extension but this has not yet been granted? I read this within the last week. Thanks for the continuing input and support, Lorna


I havent heard anything about this Lorna :-S and I don't think the Vets have either! my Son has just had his Parsons J.R. done and it lasts for 2 to 3 years doesn't it? they cant just stop it now surely!! where did you hear this?

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Having a quick browse of the web, the 'end' of the Pet Passport schemes seems to be something that MAFF/DEFRA are looking into about ending the restriction on requiring you to have the 'parasite' treatment.


It looks like it was a Radio 4 programme that first reported it.



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