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You say your son is GOING, presumably he has assessed how far apart the cities and towns are and how long it will take driving between them.


The East Coast is probably most popular, say Melbourne to Brisbane, you can reckon on 4 days for that and should Perth be considered you can add a couple of time changes.


Depending where his base is I would suggest selecting two major centres and tour around those only. Tell us where he intends to choose as a base.


Its a mighty big land mass and contains a lot of desert.



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Lord raindrop,thanks for your reply,i know he will on the east coast i will get more details. my son seems to think that camper van ins will cost 1000's of aussie dollars which would be to expensive and would then have to settle for a hired car and accommodation.


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For the cost of hiring I suggest that you look up the websites for Maui / Britz / etc


I didn't do Australia ( did NZ) but many of the companies are the same.


It seemed to me that the older the van the less you paid - so some of the cheaper ones will have high mileage ( might not matter as they will always 'rescue' you anyway if you do have mechanical problems).


On those websites you can enter the dates required / size of van, and get quotes.







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