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C-TEK 4003


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Have seen at our local store a 4003 model which supposed to be according to the sales person a good buy.The thing i cannot get to grips with is having a 240v connecting to the engine compartment or would it go through the cigar lighter and would the load be to much for this?.So question is how do you fit your C-TEK.Its going into a Autotrail Cheyeene 2001.
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I have an Auto-Trail Chieftain, which I keep on the drive with EHO. I also have a C-TEK charger, which I have fastened onto the engine battery by threading the connecting leads through a grommit in the bulkhead and permanently fastening them to the battery. The C-TEK unit is secured to the floor/bulkhead area with self tapping screws, and the power supply lead is laid under the cab carpet and then plugged into one the 240v sockets. Works great for me. :-D



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