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What a lovely gesture by lottery winners Nigel Page and Justine Laycock to to hand over the keys of their £400.000 property, and £19.000 Honda Civic, to their cleaning lady Denise Kelso. Huge win, but clearly know the true value of things and I wish them well.

£56 million is a truly mind boggling amount of money to win and difficult to say how exactly it would affect any of us, but apart from a quickie divorse, disinheriting the kids and the next flight to Las Vegas, I too would like to think I would retain those same values and stay true to my working class roots.

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Not sure I would want to win that amount of money Iain and £50/£100 thousand would be enough to make life a lot easier with less chance of the possibility of ruining your life, which is often the case. More or less have everything I need with good family and friends, and while I would,nt turn that sort of money down, not going to lose any sleep over it either. *-)
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Only once Iain !. Obviously not that well aquainted with Donna and unless you enjoy a bit grief apologising will soon become second nature.

Still convinced that sort of money would never change me and enjoy the simple things in life to much.






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I have told my wife if I win that sort of money she will be the first to know (after me of course before you all leap in) as it will be the first telephone call I will make from ???????>:-)

No not really, can't begin to imagine how I would react(lol)(lol)


Roy Fuller

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