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The Yorkshire Ripper


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I see that Peter Sutcliffe AKA the Yorkshire Ripper is going to court to see if he can sort out a release date or will he stay in jail for the rest of his life.

Sutcliffe butchered 2 or 3 girls in the Manchester area, at the time I knew a cop who knew the full extent of the rippers activities although he wasn't on the case and what he told me was horrific, I have no reason to disbelieve him, I don't think he will ever be freed.

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Here's the best bit: it's costing UK taxpayers £4,000 per WEEK to keep him fed, watered, comfy, entertained and protected in prison.


That's £216,000 of YOUR money.

EVERY year.

Year after year after year.

Money that could have been spent on old people, ill people, children with cancer, etc etc etc.


Plus another, extra, £200,000 of legal aid costs (taxpayers money) to bring this latest challenge against his indefinite sentence.

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I, too, knew someone who was involved in the case at the time. After hearing their tape recordings they made, he was sobbing uncontrollably. The pair of them should have been shot ...... first in the knee caps, then the elbows, then ..... in other words slowly.


And anybody who knows me knows that is just not normally my nature. I am sad they have turned me into that kind of person :'(

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