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Isle of Wight


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The Island has has many camp sites, search on Google, some are on cliffe edges with panoramic views. The CC site at Newchurch is right on one of the dedicated cycle routes.


Personaly I dislike the Newchurch site as its too closed in with high hedges and has the feeling of crampness, there is nowhere to LOOK except into others vehicles. It was also very damp and worn out when we went last year.


Contact the IOW tourist office for cycling details, they will be pleased to respond. The IOW also has a good network of footpaths, again contact the Tourist Office.


If you've not been to the Island before it will grow on you, we've been going for 50 years plus and it never detracts from enjoyable, there is an enormous amount of events and places to visit plus the southern coastline holds records for the most sun.


The crossing fares can be costly if travelling as an everyday visitor so there's an advantage to go with a ferry offer.

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Hi Stephanie

We have been pondering about the Isle of Wight & the packages appear to be good deals.

Guess you saw page 93 of this month's MMM, which shows the Red Funnel offer for Appuldurcombe Gardens, The Orchards, Waverley Park & Whitefield Forest sites.

If you go on the website there is a button for each site which then has a map of their locations. Most of the sites say they link up with local cycle ways.

I don't have any experience of the sites, but if you magnify each of the maps they give a birds eye view of them & also some photo's / list of facilities of each site.

Another ferry company (Wightlink) website also has offer with alternative sites. http://www.wightlink.co.uk/special-offers.aspx

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I live on the Island. Yes it is certainly worth a visit and you must bring your bikes.


There is a Camping & Caravan Club site at Sandown which even has its own outdoor swimming pool. The cycle track into Sandown or Newport is just down the road. So if you are a member have a look at that.


Ferry fares are very expensive even for us Islanders, but you can sometimes get a cheaper crossing if you come 'offpeak' time.


There are one or two temporary holiday sites in the peak season which you could consider.


Hope you make it over, there is lots to interest you.


Not sre about the Tesco vouchers, that's news to me.



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The waters of The Solent are alleged to be the dearest sea crossing in the British Isles. Various camp sites and hotels offer a combination of crossing and accommodation in conjunction with either ferry company.


Be aware that although a site might be “close to” one of the cycle ways this could mean it is an actual metal road and “part of” the Islands Cycle Network. Note there are many hills.


Do your homework with relevant maps in conjunction with information from the Wight Tourist Office.


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We've found the Red Funnel deal to be great value and have used both The Orchards and Southlands sites on that deal. Southlands is no longer available since the Caravan Club took it over, and we found The Orchards a bit too 'organised' for us (although, with a simming pool and shop it might be great for a family with children).


No experience of the other sites in the current offer, but some friends have been to Whitefields Forest site and really enjoyed it. That will be our choice next time.


By the way, yes, definitely worth taking your bikes. The roads on the IoW are pretty bumpy and often narrow too, so bikes would be a great way to get out into the beautiful countryside.


We relaly love it over there and try to get back once a year.

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Lovely place.

Take your bikes for sure.

Its like going back a generation, so relaxing.


Use the Red Funnel camp site deal if you like. However there are several farms which let you stay as ell. If its Easter dont forget the Steam Up at Compton Farm / ploughing competition / old cars / stationary engines, its a nice day out.


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During early September the Island VMCC have their annual 'Scurry' a 3 day motorcycling event.


Over that same weekend period the Classic Car Club have their IOW weekend show at The Quay, Newport on the Saturday followed on Sunday by a gathering that is usually on Ryde sea front.


Those connected with Wight Cycling Week also carry out various displays at Newport on the Saturday and elsewhere on Sunday.



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Many years ago we camped at Appledurcombe, the camping field was tiered. Children loved the pool (it was in August). The only thing ws the moderate noise from the bar where they played live music, but perhaps they don'y do that in lower season. We enjoyed it. Thinking about it, this was 25 years ago so don't take too much notice.
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duetto owner - 2010-03-05 9:46 AM do any of the red funnel sites have a good bus service into newport and beachside resorts. wife cannot ride a bike due to disabilities.

The Orchards site at Newbridge has a bus stop at the main entrance. You can connect to all the towns and most of the villages from here.

Cheapest option is to purchase either a 3 day or weekly travel pass from any driver.

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I believe I'm correct in saying that Red Funnel do not have any 'sites' as such. They are a ferry company only but often combined with camping site companies and hotels to provide a package deal for the visitor.


I suggest you do some searching regards distances from your chosen site to varoius towns. The western end of the Island where Red Funnel ferries dock at Yarmouth is much quieter than the eastern end.


There are buses but of timetables and distances I do not know. Again contact the tourist office for they should be able to provide all the details in a package. they are well keyed up to the visitor questions.


Depending on your length of stay there are also many coach tours from set points in towns and very likely some camp sites operate a collect and drop of service "on their tour".


For supermarket goodies there is a large TESCO just east of Ryde which of course makes the sites in that area very popular.



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IOW Ferries

I stand corrected !! Ever since the paddle steamer days we have always used Portsmouth to Fishbourne and in all the years have never used either Cowes or Yarmouth for arrivals.


The sites we prefer are between Brading and St Helens, very open and looking to the Airport, or along the southern coast near Brighstone, almost empty in September.





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Never mind take your bikes. The IoW has excellent bus services. Take your bus passes which are acceptable on the island. Last year one of our drivers missed a turn off and had to turn his bus round on one of the narrow roads. To his credit he managed it eventually and his sense of humour returned when we all gave him a round of applause.


It is also worth noting that the IoW has an excellent network of well maintained footpaths. It is one of our favorite destinations.

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SAS - 2010-03-03 4:28 PM


Hi, we are thinking about going to the Isle of Wight this year on the Red Funnel deal.....which would be the best campsite to stay on and will it worth taking the bikes?


September 09 we took advantage of the offer which was very good value. We stayed at Appledurconbe. For us it was excellent site and location.

What we did before we booked was to look at which sites were available as part of the deal, found the locations on a road map and made our choice as to which we thought was the best location FOR US.


We did not take bikes but enjoyed lots of super walks.


There appeared to be an excellent bus service and some of the other campers used buses to get to or from various villages and towns.

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We're staying at Waverley Park in East Cowes for a week in June, whilst

at the Isle of Wight Festival. Total cost including ferry, pitch and hook up was £160, booked direct with the site on tel 01983 293452.


Stayed there last year for the festival as well. The site is up the hill from east cowes ferry and faces onto the solent for nice view from the m/h and also excellent digital telly from m/h aerial.


5 min walk to free chain ferry and you're straight into cowes for bars, restaurants and shops.


Site has a bar, shop and outdoor pool. Bus stop is nearby and we bought weekly bus passes for about £20 each which get you all over the island.


In all great site and great location, that's why we're going back.


Only downside was sea air is ocassionally a bit smelly.




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