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Dogs and other pets.


Dogs and other pets.  

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A bill has had a second reading proposing to allow people living in care homes to take their pets with them. I know this probably doesn't affect many of you at the moment but I've seen lots of old doddering campers about! So perhaps next year! Can you imagine, who's going to take care of all these pets? The care homes I've seen have a job to take care of the people. Who dream these ideas up. Must save up the rhubarb leaves in case they come to take me away.
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creakyknee - 2010-03-06 8:37 AM Must save up the rhubarb leaves in case they come to take me away.

And while you're at it, can I suggest that you put frivolous threads like this in "Chatterbox" instead of clogging up "Motorhome Matters", many, many thanks...

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