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touring Germany's romantic road

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We are off on our travels April and May and want to " do " the romantic strasse from Fussen up to Warzburg . Has any one out there done this route and can suggest interesting places to visit please ? We will be travelling through Holland ( got family in Amsterdam ) also hope to go to Berlin and explore this city as well


many thanks

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travelling taylors - 2010-03-07 5:24 AM



We are off on our travels April and May and want to " do " the romantic strasse from Fussen up to Warzburg . Has any one out there done this route and can suggest interesting places to visit please ? We will be travelling through Holland ( got family in Amsterdam ) also hope to go to Berlin and explore this city as well


many thanks


Hi, I suggest you search the forum for "romantic road", as there has been a good number of postings on the subject in the last couple of months or so.

try also "Romantischestrasse" via google.


We are planning the southbound journey Wurzburg to Fussen departing Dover late May for 6 weeks,heading on into Austria ultimately. Neuschwanstein at Fussen end is Walt Disney's fairytale castle and supposed to be worth a visit. Augsberg Stellplatz is adjacent to the main road through the town so tends to be noisy according to our friends who did the route last year.


Rothenburg ob der Tauber is allegedly worth a couple of days, and if you haven't already got it, then the Reise Mobil Bord Atlas of Germany available from Vicarious Books at Folkestone lists over 5000 stellplatz with satnav details and is the bible for motorhoming tourists, (in German language, but easily useable even if you don't spek de lingo.)


Have a safe trip



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Done this route 2 years ago on way to Croatia. Started from Warzburg and down to Fussen

Warzburg stellplatz on river bank , only realy car park no facilties

Tauberbischein old town lots of nice buildings.

Rothenburg big stellplatz share with coaches and cars.

Donauworth stellplatz was closed for circus so moved onto Konigsbrunn stayed at sports centr.

Fussen stellplatz has showers and coffee shop. 2 castles there one is the fairy tale one Walt Disney coppied

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Having done quite a bit of the route I think its a delightful area of Germany to visit. The Schloss at Weikersheim is worth a visit, the tours are in German but the lady that does them will break off and give a little info in English, there is also an English paper guide. The gardens are also very pleasant. Rothenburg is another interesting place, they do enactments on some weekends which adds to the atmosphere. Wurzburg is interesting in that it has been completely rebuilt after the WW2 but in the old style. Many years ago we also visited Neuschwanstein. I do have photos and commentary in my various blogs on my website if that is of any interest.



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We were going to try out this route a couple of years ago but had to postpone it.  To this end I created a route for my TomTom using the Itinerary Planner facility.

I'm happy to provide you with the TomTom .ITN version and a generic .CSV version (if you have a Garmin).

Note:  Please bear in mind that I haven't used the route and it dosen't contain stopping points - just a series of waypoints to keep you on the Romantic Road.


Romantic Road (N-S).itn

Romantic Road (N-S).csv

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We did the RomanticStrasse year before last it is a lovely route and is signposted as we do with our Scenic Routes in this country. I dont think we stopped on it until we got to Fussen, the Stal there is near Aldi and Lidle so is very handy for food and there is a lake nearby just a short ride on the bikes or a good stretch o the legs if your walking. It is a lovely place and the scenery is breathtaking straight out of The Sound of Music :-D .


We are going again in June to Fussen but taking a different route this time.


If it loads this is the Stal at Fussen


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maggyd - 2010-03-07 3:48 PM


We are going again in June to Fussen but taking a different route this time.


Hi I wonder what your route will be. We cross from Dover late May, then plan via Trier avoiding motorways, and ultimately via Neckar Valley to north end of route, and have plotted it on garmin satnav with stellplatz, acsi sites, Camping cheque sites , France passion options etc.


I daresay we will still take the "pretty route" from time to time inspite of satnav directions. ( We never admit to getting lost !)


If a Garmin csv file is any use, it could be made available.





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We travelled the Romantic Route September last year and found it a very enjoyable trip, the highlights we thought were Rothenburg, Dinkelsbuhl and Nordligen beautiful old walled towns, Wurzburg and Weikersheim for their palaces and Fussen for the castles. We free camped or used aires and never had a problem. Stock up with food - it's starting to get expensive over there!


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We are going there this year in July and have obtined some really useful information from the German tourist board www.romanticroad.de.


Good tour guide available from the above in English points out all the places to see. Will use the Board atlas and see how we go!!


we are going from Rotterdam to Wurzberg, down to Fussen then back to up to Rotterdam B-)



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;-) our route will be across from Amsterdam ( were our son lives ) towards Bremen then Berlin , not sure if to carry on to Prague then down to Fussen or hug German borders from Berlin to Fussen not venturing into Czech this time . We have allowed approx 50 days to do trip , also want to visit some of sights on the Industrial trail on way back to Holland if time


happy traveling

Pat & David

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