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Fiamma - The Long Wait


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After failing to find a dealer with a Fiamma awning floor in stock last year, I ended up ordering one from direct from Fiamma (UK) early in October.


Latest update from Fiamma "Still waiting for them to arrive in the UK !!" 8-)


Not good from such a renowned company :-(



Have any of you experienced similar delays with orders ?

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I want a directional TV aerial and visited a local dealer who stock the type I require. They did not have that particular model and told me that they would be ordering stock in two weeks time and would add the aerial to the order.


This was all said in a matter of fact way and must be their normal way of doing business. Customer service still has a long way to go in some companies. I have an aerial that is reasonable enough, so I intend to wait and see if they do order the new one and contact me. I will not be holding my breath.



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There may well be a good reason for this but if so they should have explained it to you.

Many companies have a minimum order value. I needed a small item from my local hi-fi dealer and he showed me the terms of trading for a well-know manufacturer.

The company insisted on a minimum order of £250 and if it was less than that there was a surcharge of £15.00.

This is obviously to stop dealers sending in small orders, which cost more to process than the profit made. 

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Be wary of ebay or other online sources....... everything is fake!


There is a programme on BBC1 all this week called `Fake Britain` 9.15 am.


I watched it this morning and was staggered at what items are faked.


A quick selection and I kid you not: Domestic electrical switches and circuit breakers (death traps), Game Boy mains chargers (electrocuted a child), Fish and Chips (the fish), Pork Pies (labelled as organic).


The cigarettes and Alcohol we should all know about is rife. I cannot wait until tomorrow morning as it is amazing.

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747 - I agree people should be careful, but all stuff on ebay being fake - I don't think so! Some of it the items on eBay probably are but don't tar everyone selling stuff on there with the same brush.


As for TV programmes ... they are out there to make a point, and they'll make sure they do, but it doesn't mean that everything is as they say, no more than what you read in the press is all totally true or the full picture.

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Fred Duck - 2010-03-08 6:23 PM


Our experiences of 'Agent Fiamma' has been nothing but excellent. Quick, helpful and efficient.





I concur - Email response awaiting my return from work this evening, confirming that although their website doesn't show the item, they do have it in stock.


Result !! :-D :-D

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