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air conditioning


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can anyone advise me who may have travelled in warmer european countries if air conditioning is a definite requirement . We are hoping to tour europe next year and would appreciate any advice on this and any other subjects we will not have thought of concerning such a tour , thankyou
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The only definite requirement is the diesel fuel to get you anywhere and back!


Everything else is a luxury or a neccessity depending on your tastes, and the depth of your pocket.


Air con is well worth having in Southern Europe in July and August but plenty of us have been there without it and survived, and indeed it is only in recent years that it has even become an option.


So no, air con is not a definite requirement!

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We are of the opinion that our bodies do become adjust to a different temperature, within reason. We have not been to Southern Europe but have driven in Southern US States, and it was hot! We always chose not use the air conditioning feature.


At night an outside generator as on the roof of the RV's can be noisy and annoy others. We preferred to put up with the heat nuisance and adjust what we did to suit, like rest during the day and drive at night as the locals did.


Constantly changing from warm to cold was a nuisance to us so our opinion is that its not neccesary.



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If you refer to cab air conditioning, then I would say it is highly desirable.  Keeping the cab cooler while driving aids alertness, staves off drowsiness, and improves tempers!

Habitation air conditioning, on the other hand, requires a quite beefy power supply that may exceed what is on offer at many sites, will generally necessitate staying on campsites, may incur extra an charge for electricity, and creates a certain amount of noise in, and around the van.  Unless you are a dedicated satellite telly fan, you can generally find shade from the mid-day/afternoon sun, and that, and plenty of ventilation, will help to keep the van reasonably cool.

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Hi and welcome to the mad house! :-D


Cab air-conditioning serves 2 purposes:


In summer it helps keep you cool whilst travelling - in the height of the summer it can get VERY hot so if you intend to travel at these times then it is obviously of benefit.


In winter it is very useful for demisting your 'van especially if its been a cool night and you've got condensation on the windscreen.


We actually use is more in winter than in summer!


Our new van will come with cab air-conditioning but to be honest it was not an option which was high on our list of things that were 'nice to have', so if our new van wasn't going to have it, it wouldn't have bothered us unduly.


Dealers will say it helps in the resale value of a van, this is true but only to an extent - if you have to pay for it as an option you won't recoup that cost back so you should only really get it if you are sure you want it and/or if the van you are interested in already has it, not for re-sale value.

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Guest Tracker

If we were in the market for a new van - which we are not due to Fiat's inability to make a proper gearbox - I would not buy a van without air con or cruise control!


As it is we will manage quite well without it even though I might huff and puff a bit on very hot days!

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Cab air conditioning very desirable I wouldn't buy a car or motorhome without it. As Brian says it really does improve the driving experience.


Habitation air con is a different ball game it tends to be noisy added weight & requires a mains supply. If you are travelling to Italy a lot of sites only have 3 amp hook ups not enough to power air con.


If you have a modern well insulated van and use silver screens or similar to cover the cab glass you will be surprised how much cooler they keep the van. Also take a decent fan with you.





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Habitation Aircon in Spain /Greece might be useful in late July/early August might be useful but I would`nt personally bother.

Cab Aircon seems to depend on the style of cab our first was a Luton no aircon - no problem, second "A" Class again large volume around you when driving only the sun in the windscreen could be a bit warm. Our present PVC, much more car like, steel shell, much smaller volume around and cab aircon desirable. We have`nt had any problem on site as the van is so much easier to ventilate by opening the rear and sliding door.

One disadvantage having Cab Aircon is during the winter having to run it every two weeks.

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I fitted roof air con myself on the hymer and must say it was the best move I made. last year in italy it went up to over 37 durring the day, and even the italians started to pack up and go home. The think is that the air con just keeps the interior of the van so cool, there is no need to have it on at night, or in fact at all times durring the day.

I also have two pugs and they don,t like the heat so its a must have realy.

and its odd that so many people state they don,t lile or need air con, yet at one time I had 3 sets of brits knocking on the door asking to cool down.


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I live on the Costa del Sol and would not use my Motorhome in July or August in this area without AC.Shade is available on most good sites but it is not unusual to have night time temps high 80' or even into the 90' inside MH even hotter.

I have a "Silent Air" roof unit which is anything but, however it does make a difference.

One important measure don't let the van get hot ie shade, screen on windows, cook outside etc a fan will help.

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Guest JudgeMental
My wife works in education and our tennagers are still in education, so we are always stuck with July/August for our main break. I would not be with out roof a/c and cab a/c :-D
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To me there is only one obvious answer to this question. If you can afford it and you'll feel happier to have it, then go for it!

It's obviously better to have something that you may only use occasionally than not to have it at all. If you find that there are occasions where you can't use it, such as sites where the power isn't sufficient, then you're no worse off than if you'd never bought it. But if you get caught in a heatwave it may be the best money that you think you've ever spent.

I personally won't be having it on my new Hobby Van as I think I'll need the roof space for my satellite dome and solar panel but who knows, if there's room, one day I may be persuaded.

I can see only one reason for not fitting something that you may even use only occasionally, and that's money. As I said, if you can afford, get it fitted!
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Guest JudgeMental
Brian Kirby - 2010-03-11 4:06 PM


GypsyTom - 2010-03-11 10:34 AM
......................I can see only one reason for not fitting something that you may even use only occasionally, and that's money. As I said, if you can afford, get it fitted!
Well, that, and the little matter of payload!


roof ac/ solar panels/sat system and an awning? could amount to 150kg (roughly) of your payload :-S

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Air conditioning isn't necessary and costs too much, weighs too much and uses too much fuel in terms of both it's weight and the load that it places on the engine.


We didn't have a choice with the cab on our van, it was already fitted, but given the choice, I wouldn't waste my money.

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Brian Kirby - 2010-03-11 4:06 PM
GypsyTom - 2010-03-11 10:34 AM
......................I can see only one reason for not fitting something that you may even use only occasionally, and that's money. As I said, if you can afford, get it fitted!
Well, that, and the little matter of payload!

I don't recollect her asking about payload, or whether it can be used on or off site, or which make to choose or any of the other questions concerning air conditioning.

I thought that she was asking about its efficacy and desirability when visiting warm countries and whether it is essential.

I only chose to address her main question and to suggest that having it has got to be better than not having it.
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Freewheeler - 2010-03-11 4:31 PMAir conditioning isn't necessary and costs too much, weighs too much and uses too much fuel in terms of both it's weight and the load that it places on the engine.We didn't have a choice with the cab on our van, it was already fitted, but given the choice, I wouldn't waste my money.

What you actually mean is that 'In your opinion cab air conditioning is not essential.'

I think that the majority of motorhomers who have had it will disagree.

Personally I loathe driving down a motorway at 65 mph and having to have the windows open to get some cool air. It's noisy and dirty! It's much nicer to be able to keep the windows closed and remain cool.
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Freewheeler - 2010-03-11 4:31 PM


Air conditioning isn't necessary and costs too much, weighs too much and uses too much fuel in terms of both it's weight and the load that it places on the engine.


We didn't have a choice with the cab on our van, it was already fitted, but given the choice, I wouldn't waste my money.


I don't know where you get your facts from, running the cab aircon makes about 0.3 mpg difference in our van. 2.62 gallons over year (7000 miles) not exactly a lot of money for the comfort & stress free driving it gives.





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Gypsy Tom


With the greatest of respect, and I do mean that, would you please stop jumping up and down on people who give an opinion just because their's is not one you agree with.


Other peple are allowed to give their opinions without having their comments 'quoted' and picked apart by you and then instructed by you to say 'why' they have that opinion.


You are entitled to your view, they are entitled to theirs.



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GypsyTom - 2010-03-11 4:40 PM
Brian Kirby - 2010-03-11 4:06 PM
GypsyTom - 2010-03-11 10:34 AM
......................I can see only one reason for not fitting something that you may even use only occasionally, and that's money. As I said, if you can afford, get it fitted!
Well, that, and the little matter of payload!

I don't recollect her asking about payload, or whether it can be used on or off site, or which make to choose or any of the other questions concerning air conditioning.

I thought that she was asking about its efficacy and desirability when visiting warm countries and whether it is essential.

I only chose to address her main question and to suggest that having it has got to be better than not having it.

It's OK Tom: I accept you responded to the question as posed.  However, the nature of the question suggested to me that Antony might not have been taking weight into account.  One doesn't always have to wait to be asked!  :-)

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Mel B - 2010-03-11 6:19 PMGypsy TomWith the greatest of respect, and I do mean that, would you please stop jumping up and down on people who give an opinion just because their's is not one you agree with.Other peple are allowed to give their opinions without having their comments 'quoted' and picked apart by you and then instructed by you to say 'why' they have that opinion. You are entitled to your view, they are entitled to theirs. :-S

Oh dear! You really are a sensitive soul! I do wish that you'd let people look after themselves. If Freewheeler is unhappy with my comment I'm sure that he or she will tell me!

To recap, he/she said that air conditioning isn't necessary and costs too much etc. This was a fairly dogmatic statement which implied that everyone else is wrong. I disagreed and gave my opinion. Many others have disagreed with him by the way and think that air conditioning is necessary.

Why are they allowed an opinion and not me? And as for jumping on people I really wish that you'd stop jumping on me. Your bias and antipathy is really becoming annoying. People voice far stronger opinions than me and you never say a word. Lennyb made an equally strong reply immediately after me and asked him where he got his facts from but you've never mentioned him.

Give it a rest for God's sake, all you do is stir up more trouble, but perhaps that's your intention? I know that I criticised your foolish and ill-thought-out comments on the Hartley's thread but that was ages ago. Just give it a rest will you, please!
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lennyhb - 2010-03-11 4:50 PM


Freewheeler - 2010-03-11 4:31 PM


Air conditioning isn't necessary and costs too much, weighs too much and uses too much fuel in terms of both it's weight and the load that it places on the engine.


We didn't have a choice with the cab on our van, it was already fitted, but given the choice, I wouldn't waste my money.


I don't know where you get your facts from, running the cab aircon makes about 0.3 mpg difference in our van. 2.62 gallons over year (7000 miles) not exactly a lot of money for the comfort & stress free driving it gives.





You are ignoring the weight issue, which also uses extra fuel!

Also the amount of fuel used by running aircon varies, it isn't a fixed ammount. These issues all contribute to air pollution, as well.



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Guest Tracker

Gypsy Tom - there you go again and again mouthing off at anyone and everyone who deigns to hold a different point of view to yours.


Look if you will at how people reply to your point of biew andplease look again at how you reply to them.


Do you not see the aggression in your own tone that almost everyone else does see?


Do you not think that all this aggression is putting other moderate people off from using the forum - well it is - and once again I feel inclined to refer the thread to the Moderators.


You are obviously an intelligent man but unfortunately intelligence alone does not begat tolerance and common sense which is what this forum needs from you as you do make some very valid points.


You just need to learn how to make your own points without slagging off everyone else because your valid points get lost in the tirades that you produce ad nauseum.


I say this not to attack you but to try to get you to see the view from the other persons point.


Your first mission, should you choose to accept it, is to respond without acrimony - this message will not self destruct in five seconds!


By the way should anyone choose to fit roof aircon the weight is very much an issue to consider depending on available payload and just because the original enquired did not ask it does not mean that they don't need to be made aware of it as they may well not have considered it. After all how many people even know their van's payload much less get their van weighed?

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Thanks a lot for comments on air con . I had presumed that it was really a must have when travelling warmer parts . I am delighted to hear quite a few comments correcting me on this . I had also not really taken weight of unit etc into consideration . I think a good fan will hopefully see us through .
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