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air conditioning


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Guest Tracker

That makes five times you have had an unprovoked rant at me GT in less than 24 hours and I have not said a word to invite any of this.


Does that alone not speak volumes about your defective personality?


Is that a new record for unpleasantness?


Are you paranoid, mentally disturbed or just plain nasty?


Perhaps others will be the judge of whether your behaviour and your attitude are acceptable on a public forum.

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Tracker - 2010-03-12 6:54 PMThat makes five times you have had an unprovoked rant at me GT in less than 24 hours and I have not said a word to invite any of this.Does that alone not speak volumes about your defective personality?Is that a new record for unpleasantness?Are you paranoid, mentally disturbed or just plain nasty?Perhaps others will be the judge of whether your behaviour and your attitude are acceptable on a public forum.

Oh dear, I did say that I'd go away if there was no more aggro, but here we go!

First of all anyone looking for a defective personality only has to read your extraordinary list of interests in your profile. Even in your forum profile you cannot resist having a nasty little go at people!

Twice in the last few days you have started a row in an otherwise innocuous thread by deciding to publicly have a go at me. In both cases I hadn't been in discussion with you at all.

You cannot resist setting your self up as a self-important amateur moderator but I just wish that you'd do the following, if of course you are really interested in peace on this forum and not purposely stirring up trouble, which you obviously enjoy.

If you think that I've been rude to a third party please tell me by private message. I will not be upbraided by you or anyone else in public. It's my opinion that If I am rude to a third party, and I don't believe that I was in this case anyway, that it's up to him to tell me, not you or anyone else.

If I've really gone too far then the forum moderator will take action, it doesn't need a self-appointed and self important person like you.

And as for being nasty, I would never write about anyone as you have just done about me in the post above, that is disgraceful.

As I said, I'm fed up with this and am happy to let it go, but if you want it to continue please feel free.
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Guest Tracker

Just one final posting on the topic of ranting.


Well done for getting the message about nasty people on my profile - it currently applies to you and only you!


As the expert on retrospective hunting for ammunition and trawling up old posts due to lack of new ideas perhaps you might like to consider that you are the only person currently on here to upset so many people - although by standing up to you I accept that I am making few friends as well.


Consider that there is nobody else on the forum that I have felt the need to admonish and seeing as you like to keep on calling me a self appointed moderator - admonishment is a good word.


I have no intention of letting you hide behind a PM - let's have it all out in the open for all to see and judge.


I am delighted that you find my personality assasination of you disgraceful - now you know how some of your victims feel when you do attack them.


I have no wish for this to continue but as you have made it plain that you are not willing or able to moderate your attitude and as it was you that rekindled the process by your repeated attacks today I feel that I am entitled to the last word this time!

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Tracker - 2010-03-12 7:25 PMJust one final posting on the topic of ranting.Well done for getting the message about nasty people on my profile - it currently applies to you and only you!As the expert on retrospective hunting for ammunition and trawling up old posts due to lack of new ideas perhaps you might like to consider that you are the only person currently on here to upset so many people - although by standing up to you I accept that I am making few friends as well.Consider that there is nobody else on the forum that I have felt the need to admonish and seeing as you like to keep on calling me a self appointed moderator - admonishment is a good word.I have no intention of letting you hide behind a PM - let's have it all out in the open for all to see and judge.I am delighted that you find my personality assasination of you disgraceful - now you know how some of your victims feel when you do attack them.I have no wish for this to continue but as you have made it plain that you are not willing or able to moderate your attitude and as it was you that rekindled the process by your repeated attacks today I feel that I am entitled to the last word this time!

So there we have it! You actually admit that your profile address is a continuing insult at me! And you wonder why some people think that you're the nastiest person ever to grace this forum, and I promise you they do! And I have PMs about you as well if you want to swap a few of those!

I have asked that, if you feel that I've been rude or too robust to a third party then please PM me so that it doesn't pollute the thread and cause a row. At least it would be amongst ourselves. Now I don't think that that is unreasonable. I've been told by one person that my post to Freewheeler was not in his opinion rude, and I didn't think it was and it certainly wasn't intended to be. People have different tolerances of what is acceptable in a debate and mine is clearly more liberal then some.

Your comment that you won't let me hide behind a PM is typical and I'm convinced that as you say in your profile, you enjoy stirring things!

If I'm rude to you in public, reply in public, but if you just think that by your standards that I've been rude to a third party I see nothing wrong in keeping it between us, for the good of everyone.

If the third party wants to respond to me he will I'm sure, but I don't think that Freewheeler was too upset, as he came back to the debate and never mentioned it and he doesn't see a shy type to me!
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Guest Tracker

My profile was there before you came on here!


And no I am not into swapping emails and names as I have too much respect for the senders.

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I now think its time you all left GT alone if you do not agree with what he says thats fine, but these personal attacks some of you are posting at GT are not very nice your grown ups PLEASE speak to one another as you would like to be spoken to.This sort of thing does nothing to help promote the forum I know this will make me unpopular with some but come on be nice just because you are not face to face does not mean you can have no respect it does start to look a bit like a vendetta
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wow , I am new to this site and also new to the forums and discussions that take place here . I am gobsmacked as my old grandmother used to say at the problems my question seems to have caused . As it was me that asked for advice on the air conditioning originally I would just like to say thankyou to all who took time out to respond and offer advice on this subject and I have taken on board all suggestions . May I in return offer one piece of advice in return and that is this site offers a great deal to people like me who are fairly new to motorhoming and looking for others ideas and opinions on questions asked . It seem a shame to spoil such a place with threads like this .
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Well, I don't think I've seen my name mentioned so many times in one thread by the same contributor! Fame at last????


Apologies to everyone but this will be my final posting on here and I feel I need to explain why.


I have had a PM from Gypsy Tom, it came at 7.29 pm tonight, before I had had a chance to read some of the forum threads, and his further belittling and criticising of me on this one in particular. Tom has asked for a 'truce', and I must admit I had never even considered we were actually at 'war'.


I won't post the PM on here because it would not be fair to Tom to do so. I do not like some of the phraseology used in the PM by Tom but I could have perhaps forgiven that. However, having read the above it feels to me more like Tom has had his several rants on here today about me, and others, and now is just asking to have a truce to prevent me from saying anything back to 'defend' myself or give my views on his comments above.


Tom - I won't post any more views or coments on here after this one, no matter what you say from now on. I think others can see for themselves what is going on from your own comments and actions, so I won't add to it further. If you truly do want a 'truce' as you say - you have it.


[Only edited to correct a typo - sorry.]


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antony1969 - 2010-03-12 9:05 PM


wow , I am new to this site and also new to the forums and discussions that take place here . I am gobsmacked as my old grandmother used to say at the problems my question seems to have caused . As it was me that asked for advice on the air conditioning originally I would just like to say thankyou to all who took time out to respond and offer advice on this subject and I have taken on board all suggestions . May I in return offer one piece of advice in return and that is this site offers a great deal to people like me who are fairly new to motorhoming and looking for others ideas and opinions on questions asked . It seem a shame to spoil such a place with threads like this .





im totally with you on this!

ive been on here a month / 2

and all they do is bitch :D

we need advice on stuff

im sticking with it cos it will help me and in turn i will help others in future years

im toughing it out! but new users just say FORGET IT!!!! i would rather poke my eyes out *-)


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Guest JudgeMental

This site has always had a bit of a reputation for descending into bickering from time to time...This is one of those times i guess *-)


All I can say see it is normally a decent place to be, and I hope normal service will return soon :-S

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So Antony, back to the original question. Here is my personal opinion. If you intend to go abroad and particularly down south, I think cab air-con is essential, it turns a sweaty noisy (windows open) ordeal into a comfortable pleasant drive. Presently available habitation air-con is a different question,ie to noisy and uses to much power. We had it on our van, found we could not use it when needed it most, to noisy at night or would trip low amp hook-ups abroad. Eventually removed it (39kg off the roof,more wine in the locker ) sold it on e-bay,replaced it with a more useful Fiamma Turbo-vent.

Regards. Brian.

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SCHOOL PLAYGROUND STUFF. More things to do than read this S***e. back to normality please. The Forum is the best when used appropriately ie:- answer the original question. SIMPLES :-D.

Life is too short

KIND regards,


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Going back to the original thread, have you looked at a product called Trav-L-Cool. I saw this advertised in the cak tanks catalogue and I was very interested. They say that it is fitted by Hymer, Dethlefs and others. It works with water, other than a pump to circulate the water, there are no moving parts and the unit is light, can be mounted straight on to the roof without any strengthening. I looked on the German web and found that this unite could be purchased In Germany, (at the time I looked), for approx 650 eurs, cak tanks sell them just short of a thousand pounds. Not quite air conditioning but reading the German reviews it appears quite effective.
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Guest JudgeMental

with roof air you have to plan a bit more where you stay or else the supply may not be good enough. My WAECO roof air is soft start (most modern ones are) and only needs a 6 amp supply. so In high summer we only book sites with this. Yes it is nosey, but you get used to it. there are always ear plugs......


So not a necessity (cab air is IMO) But I would not be without it in any van from now on. the condenser style units have never been very well reviewed from anything I have read.

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lennyhb - 2010-03-10 7:45 PM


Cab air conditioning very desirable I wouldn't buy a car or motorhome without it. As Brian says it really does improve the driving experience.


Habitation air con is a different ball game it tends to be noisy added weight & requires a mains supply. If you are travelling to Italy a lot of sites only have 3 amp hook ups not enough to power air con.


If you have a modern well insulated van and use silver screens or similar to cover the cab glass you will be surprised how much cooler they keep the van. Also take a decent fan with you.





I'm with Lenny on this. Same set-up has worked very well for us, including in S of France up to 30-ish degrees outside temp:


Cab Air while driving

Always fit silver screens when parked

Portable, silent, three speed, 9-inch fan on site.

Also, if on mains hook-up charging vehicle battery, I have used the cab fresh air fan to boost air flow during peak evening temperature.


Personally, I could not justify expense or weight of habitation air con unless I was regularly spending a whole summer in S of France/Europe or my trips limited to just late July and August when it may well be rather hotter than I have encountered so far..........



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We have toured europe quiet a bit and have an expensive aircon fitted to the roof of our caravan but we have seldom used it so it was more or less an expensive waste of time and money.

Seriously thinking of having it taken off and putting the roof light back on.

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