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Ducato Multijet and DVLA

David Dwight

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We purchased our new M/home in Dec 09, when the V5c arrived I noticed that against Model/type DUCATO 33 160 M-JET. The vehicle is badged as MULTI JET 100.

I have sent the V5c back explaining that the details were wrong, today I have had a letter from DVLA saying that the details are correct this is the information that Fiat UK have supplied to them, when the vehicle was first registered and licensed. If I disagree with their findings I should get confirmation from Fiat and they will then change the details on the V5c, they have sent me another V5c the same as the original.


I wonder if I should go to the bother of cntacting Fiat or let it be and keep the letter from DVLA with my V5c and if there is a problem in the future then say well its DVLA's problem.


Has anyone else come across this?





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Interestingly, I had a similar problem with the DVLA regarding incorrect information on the registration document of my wife's Citroen C3 car. She has the eco-friendly Stop-Start version, which has a slightly lower emission figure than standard 1.4l petrol C3s. However, DVLA would not have it and stated precisely what they said to you - "We have the correct information - you are wrong". "If you want to challenge our position, YOU must take it up with the manufacturer". Talk about lack of desire to get their facts right, or provide any sort of customer service!


Anyway, after a lot of agro and a formal complaint letter... they still refused to accept they were wrong. Eventually, I managed to get Citroen to intervene and the matter was corrected. But I must say the arrogance of the DVLA really annoyed me.


That was 18 months ago, and now as luck would have it, with the recent change to road fund license bands, wife's car is cheaper to tax than other 1.4 C3s. I wonder how many other Stop & Start model drivers are now paying too much road tax?

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The DVLA issues leaflets on how to provide the information necessary for UK vehicle registration.


I don't know what the present position is but, on the form I needed to use when I registered my new imported motorhome in 2005, there was a "Make" field into which I put "HOBBY" and a "Model (including full vehicle Specification)" field into which I put "T 600 FC".


Section 4 of the V5C document that the DVLA sent back to me contains "HOBBY" in the "D.1 Make" field but the "D.2 Model/Type/Variant/Version" fields are blank. In the V5C's Section 10 (new Keeper Supplement" only "HOBBY" is shown in the "Make/Model/Type" area.


This just shows that, of the data that the DVLA asks for at the UK registration stage, some may not find its way on to the V5C.


It would be ridiculous to try to argue that the DVLA is infallible, but it is only a data-processing department and, if the data given to it when a vehicle is first registered are incorrect, then the V5C document that results will just reflect that inaccuracy.


If Fiat(UK) has told the DVLA that the model/type for David's motorhome is "DUCATO 33 160 M-JET" when it should be something else, then it's up to Fiat(UK) to provide the DVLA with the correct information so that a revised V5C can be issued to the vehicle's owner. It is unreasonable to expect DVLA staff to be pro-active and seek the right information themselves, or make some sort of 'value judgement' on what the vehicle's owner tells them.


If whoever (presumably a Citroen agency) was responsible for UK-registering Mike's car provided the DVLA with inaccurate emissions data, or the emissions data on the vehicle's Type Approval certificate were inaccurate, then it's hardly the DVLA's fault if the car ends up in the wrong tax bracket.


My experience of the DVLA is that, when they genuinely make a mistake, they will admit it and rectify the error promptly. But when an error occurs that was not the fault of the DVLA, before taking action they will expect whoever made the mistake to sort it out.

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David Dwight - 2010-03-10 9:28 PM


We purchased our new M/home in Dec 09...




Just out of interest, what make/model of motorhome do you own please?


I've trawled unsuccessfully through some of your earlier postings, but I don't think you've ever said. It's not a Murvi by any chance?


The reason I ask is that it seems odd for a new motorhome to have a model/type with "DUCATO" as part of the reference. I'd expect something like "Nuevo" or "Tracker" or "Flash 03", etc.

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