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Ginger ...

Mel B

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Went out on the scooters this morning to Beverley for the market and a potter, walking down the main shopping street I glanced at a local 'artisan' baker's window (only glanced ... honest!). There in the window was a sign which said:


Ginger Persons!!!!!


What the heck is one of those!!!! Give me a good old Gingerbread Man anyday!


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What a load of twaddle, this makes me puke, if you have ginger hair then you have ginger hair, so what.


Ginger bread man is exactly that a gingerbread man, they aren;t "current men" or "custardmen" just gingerbread men because they have GINGER in them.


I bet you that if you had walked into that shop and asked for gingerbread men they would have served you gingerbread men without so much as a raised eyebrow

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I am sorry that ginger makes you puke Syd - but you can send any unchewed ones to me 'cos I love gingerbread. Thanks!
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