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Re-Introduce Me!


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Hello and greetings to all forum officionados!

I would like to re-introduce myself. I Have been away from the forum for quite a while for various reasons, Health, own + Family/Away in M/H etc. Since my last entry we have moved home, still in the East Riding of Yorkshire. We have a 2002 reg. 5 berth Swift Sundance 590RS LUX 2.8D, that we bought as our first M/H in 2005. The old girl (M/H that is) 'Lucy' bless her passed the MOT yesterday. By the way if you live within striking distance of Beverley, Right Car do M/H MOT for ------ wait for it ------ £29.99 same rate for my last 3 MOT's also good rates for servicing, I have no links to Right Car except as a customer. Anyway to move on, we are looking to change Lucy for Lucy 2. Our problem now is do we buy private or trust another dealer? MAJOR 'reputable' Dealer problems on our first buy! (Took a County Court Judge to make the dealer see the error of his ways!!! Ask and I may reveal all in a quiz!)

We have yet to do our list of How Much! - must haves - do not really need/ optionals/compromises - before we progress. I hope you can forgive my laxity and see your way to acknowledge my existance! :$

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Welcome back Ian and long may you be motorhoming off into the wide blue yonder.


My own personal view is that the peace of mind that comes from buying from a REPUTABLE dealer can either be a waste of money or worth it's weight in cash depending on whether you get a 'good un' or a 'bad un' and without a crystal ball how do you know t'other from which?


As long as the private sale deal has the right savings and as long as you buy from a GENUINE owner with a GENUINE van and nothing to hide you could do very well but do be aware of anything that is just that bit too cheap.


If something seems too good to be true it invariably is too good to be true!


Caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!

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Hi All, Thank you for the replies and advice. We will do our homework and not rush into anything, even if we manage to sell 'Lucy' quickly we will take our time as it is a big investment. We are really concerned about using a dealer after our first time, we had an 11 month nightmare, so much so that we nearly sold Lucy and planned to give up the life before we even started. But we are so pleased we persevered and can't think of life without a M/H now. We went to Portugal last September for a planned 4 weeks but liked it so much and met some great new friends we stayed for 10 weeks! Thanks again bye for now. :-D
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Hi Roy, Thank you for that. How about his for a 'transmission' tale!

When I bought the 3 year old M/H there was a strange 'clunk' for want of a better word when changing gear from 3rd to 4th. The 'reputable' dealer said that was normal 'linkage noise' because the gear change was mounted on the dash. I took him at his word, him being a professional and us having no experience of the dash mounted gear shift. To cut a long story short after we paid over £20k in full before discovering that the clunk was far more serious, the dealer would have no more to do with us, his staff had used the vehicle at shows for the previous season and added 1200 miles to the clock then refused to accept there was a problem.

I had to pay to have a new gearbox fitted then take him to the small claims court. I downloaded sections of the Sale of Goods Act and prepared my own case and 11 months after buying the M/H and a 3 hour hearing I won, he was ordered to pay for the gearbox and my expenses,which he did.

Had the dealer been reasonable we could have resolved it amicably without goig to Court the dealer and his company now have a County Court Judgement against them. Perhaps you can understand why I am wary of dealers, this was not a small dealership but a very well known business that produces M\H's under it's own name. As the saying goes, let the buyer beware!

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