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Polish speakers only


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If you can only speak English and irrespective of your colour or creed don't apply for a job with cooked meat manufacturers Forza AW, suppliers to Asda.

They are only taking on fluent Polish speakers due to the fact that all health and safety training is in Polish, why can't the companies employee's speak English? I thought I lived in England and that English was the language that we spoke? is this company breaking the law?

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knight of the road - 2010-03-14 4:49 PM


I thought I lived in England and that English was the language that we spoke? is this company breaking the law?


Well here's a can of worms. Let's prise open the top a little. You are in fact in Great Britain or as some would have it the United Kingdom of Great Britain. HA>:-( Are we united? If England had the same sovereignty as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland then you might be able to think of it as being separate. However the afformentioned countries representatives are able to influence matters in England whilst declaring the need for separation when it suits them.

I remember Alec Salmon giving an interview on the radio and declaring that as the (then) new oil fields were within Scottish waters the revenue should go to Scotland. It was open to "phone in" contributions and someone called in from (I think) the Hebrides and said the oil was in their waters and therefore it should go to them because they were independant of Scotland.

I mourn the loss of my English heritage which has been sqandered by the politically correct idiots who have highjacked it. I hope come the day of judgement their crimes will be suitably punished. This thread is yet another mindless example. Lid slightly off????>:-)*-)

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Guest JudgeMental

I doubt that a company does this through choice...the bone ideal nature of the British unemployed has probably forced this on them *-)


a keen educated willing polish person, or a slovenly knuckle drager...who would you employ? answers on a postage stamp please

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If they are knowingly doing this, and it can be proved, they are then breaking the law as far as I am aware. You cannot discriminate against anyone because of their nationality/race/colour/creed/sex etc, etc, so if they are they should not be ... however, on the other hand, as Asda are supposed to 'vet' their suppliers I wouldn't think they are too happy to be associated with a company operating such practices if it is totally true.


I suppose possible employees could learn Polish .... :-S

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knight of the road - 2010-03-14 5:46 PM


I wouldn't say that all the unemployed in the Norfolk area are slovenly knuckle draggers, I imagine there are many who would jump at the chance of a job.


Not going by the TV programme on the subject a couple of weeks back. Trial jobs were arranged by the programme and some of the encumbants couldn't be bothered to arrive on time or at all, you do have to wonder.



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Guest JudgeMental
Basil - 2010-03-14 6:17 PM


knight of the road - 2010-03-14 5:46 PM


I wouldn't say that all the unemployed in the Norfolk area are slovenly knuckle draggers, I imagine there are many who would jump at the chance of a job.


Not going by the TV programme on the subject a couple of weeks back. Trial jobs were arranged by the programme and some of the encumbants couldn't be bothered to arrive on time or at all, you do have to wonder.




And that was not the first program on the subject...we have a massive unemployable scrounging underclass on our hands bleeding the rest of us dry. and without these decent migrant workers you would not be eating fresh vegetables, that the employer takes steps to communicate the H&S information properly should be applauded not derided IMO *-)




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JudgeMental - 2010-03-14 6:43 PM


Basil - 2010-03-14 6:17 PM


knight of the road - 2010-03-14 5:46 PM


I wouldn't say that all the unemployed in the Norfolk area are slovenly knuckle draggers, I imagine there are many who would jump at the chance of a job.


Not going by the TV programme on the subject a couple of weeks back. Trial jobs were arranged by the programme and some of the encumbants couldn't be bothered to arrive on time or at all, you do have to wonder.




And that was not the first program on the subject...we have a massive unemployable scrounging underclass on our hands bleeding the rest of us dry. and without these decent migrant workers you would not be eating fresh vegetables, that the employer takes steps to communicate the H&S information properly should be applauded not derided IMO *-)



Who are they? our MP's

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