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Tax Coding

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These are plopping through our letter boxes of late and some are incorrect.


In a conversation with the tax office it was let slip by the employee that there are 'a few' that have been incorrectly calculated this year.


Be particularly vigilant for those that look OK on the front but refer to 'tax owed from a previous year' on the second page.


I was advised that it may well be that the error might not be implemented - but why take the risk!

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Happened to me. For some reason for which I know not, I am not on a huge salary, but I have been selected to complete self assessment forms for the last 3-4 years now. Because of errors by the tax office they got my coding wrong and then notified me that I owed them money. This has happened for the last 2 years. However, this year I paid the owed amount in one lump sum prior to the 31st January and guess what, I got my new tax coding which had been adjusted to reflect the money that I still owed from the previous tax year. When I rang them up they immediately confirmed that this was their mistake and would send me out a new tax coding. But what if I had not questioned it eh !! >:-) I blame the Civil Servants myself, what you say Rich :D :D :D
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Big Momma - 2010-03-16 4:10 PM

I blame the Civil Servants myself, what you say Rich


Absolutely not Eric!


How can it be their fault when there are so few of them working in such harsh conditions, like air conditioned offices, for such dreadfully low salaries and such poor pension, holiday and sick pay benefits!


When you pay peanuts you get monkeys working for you - trouble is the Gorillas are holding the purse strings!

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A couple of years ago I was due around a £1,300 tax rebate. When the cheque didn't arrive after 4 weeks or so, my accountant rang the tax office to enquire.

He was told that they didn't send the cheque out until it was asked for. On being asked why? the tax official replied "in case he didn't want it" !!

It does beg the question, just how many people are there who are due a tax rebate and are unaware of it ! 

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bob b - 2010-03-16 7:19 PM


A couple of years ago I was due around a £1,300 tax rebate. When the cheque didn't arrive after 4 weeks or so, my accountant rang the tax office to enquire.

He was told that they didn't send the cheque out until it was asked for. On being asked why? the tax official replied "in case he didn't want it" !!

It does beg the question, just how many people are there who are due a tax rebate and are unaware of it ! 


This is 'normal HMRC procedure', as, quote 'some people' prefer to offset their refund against next year's tax liability' unquote!


Yeah - right - of course we do!

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Copied from the pensions thread which seems to have run out of new ideas!




I would like to see the income tax personal allowance tax payable threshold increased to at least £10,000 with a starting rate of 10% reintroduced for the first £3,000 of taxable income to encourage lower paid jobs and lower pay increases.


This could be funded by a corresponding increase in the basic rate so that those on 'average' earnings are no worse off and higher rates of tax to whatever they would need to be to retain the whole income tax revenue at it's current level so that only above average earners would be affected.


Think of the savings that taking several millions of people out of income tax altogether would bring in the need for less HMRC employees - or a redistribution of employees into fraud and evasion control, smaller computer systems, less 'big brother' data to be 'lost' and best of all less control for the control freaks in power?


Any thoughts anyone?




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